Lu'qua Tropics Geographic Location in Levantis | World Anvil
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Lu'qua Tropics


The Lu'qua Tropics is a tropical region to the south of where the eastern part of the Eastern Steppes bends downwards. It is separated from the steppes by a thin, volcanic mountain range called the Obsidian Peaks.  

Zephyran Hills

When large volumes of vapour-rich air hit steep geographical features such as mountains, the air is forced up the slopes. This air cools down as it gains elevation, producing clouds, condensing the water in the air as well as on any available surface. The northern parts of the Lu'Qua tropics near the Obsidian Peaks are more elevated and thus battered constantly with such air movements that create the correct conditions for a montane or cloud forest to form.

This creates a highly humid environment, that is constantly drenched. The water condenses on the canopy itself, and surrounded by clouds and fog that are pressed onto the forest, it is the wettest environment in the region. This causes decomposition to be slowed and the the soil conditions to turn acidic, creating thick layers of humus and peat. These layers layers act like sponges and keep the environment soaked.   During the day, when the sun comes up, the temperatures starts to rise. But during the night these forests can be quite cold. Since this environment is predominantly influenced by air currents, significant events in ocean currents or winds impact the climate of the Zephyran Hills a lot.   Due to the abundance of water, rich soils, and relatively stable temperatures these forests are home to a diverse range of creatures. The low visibility caused by the fog and clouds also makes this the perfect environment for ambush predators.  

Living Jungles

The mountain creates a rain shadow, so that clouds become caught by the mountains and dump all their rain on the windward side, which flows down to feed the rainforest. This has caused a large, sprawling jungle to grow over most of the area. It is home to many small societies of plant creatures such as Myconids, Vegepygmys and Dryads. This has given the region the name of Kawsay, or Living Jungles because it seems almost as if the jungle itself is alive. The Urchae have traditionally been the dominant species within these jungles, and the ruins of their shattered kingdom can be found all over in the mountainous parts of the region.  

Mangrove Coast

Below the jungles lies a coastal mangrove biome that is originally the home of the tribal Vorkhul Orcs. Recently a new group has settled here however, a delegation from the Khuagawa Tetrarchy has established a colony here. So far they have ben unable to expand much however, as they have been struggling with raids from Sahuagin and pirates. They have also had to face difficulties when dealing with the Vorkhul, because they are split into different tribes and not all of them are keen on outsiders intruding on what they consider to be their land.   Along the rivers that lead out towards the sea, there are many silver deposits and the mining of this silver is an important part of the culture and economy of the Vorkhul. The southeastern part of the coastline is set in with several parallel rias that extend further inland and are often prone to flooding. This is where the Sahuagin often come to land and from where they launch their raids against the Vorkhul or the Khuagawan settlers who are trying to explore the Lu'Qua Tropics.

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