Monsoon Spirit Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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Monsoon Spirit


Drip, drip, drip. The rain just keeps coming and coming, it's mind-numbing, the sound grinds against your mind as the monsoon continues.   Elementals are the purest living forms of the basic elements, but some combine these. Monsoon Spirits are malevolent elementals of air and water that drag entire regions into their domain. Sometimes the rain is heavy, sometimes it is just a slight drizzle, but it never stops altogether. Those who find themselves in their domain slowly unravel as they cannot get a proper rest and they too fall under the spirit's control.   The spirit itself is rarely seen, often towns targeted only hear faint whispers in the deluge, or they see a faint outline in the rain but never its real form. These spirits prefer to remain unseen, staying invisible while they bring a region to its heel. When they are seen they look like a vague abstraction of a humanoid form outlined in water, with many tendrils or starfish-like limbs pulsating on their backs. It can use these limbs to drag victims up into the sky, before dropping them mercilessly to the ground. Despite having no mouth, it can talk and it constantly emits a faint droning sound.  

Intelligence and Social Behavior

As mentioned, these spirits are slippery creatures that never fight up front. They may crave control, but they will gain it through patience. Along with the dripping of the rain comes a slow psychic intrusion that wears down its targets. Eventually those who are fully ground down will fall under its control without even realizing it. These thralls will try to keep the spirit hidden and stay within its rainstorm, keeping it in control of the region. That seems to be their only motivation really, to have a place where they are in control and can revel in their elemental nature. No matter the cost. No matter the lives taken.  


(Credit to u/IAmTheOoga)
Geographic Distribution

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