Puku-Olapa Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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Adorable, yet strong, within the city-state of Kulanakai these giant snails are known as the Puku-Olapa, while most others simply call them Glownsnails. They are physically strong, but slow-moving and their tough shell and wet mucus coating protects them from fire. Their slow metabolism keeps them safe against poison, which is valuable considering how indiscriminately they consume anything along their path including dirt, minerals and all manner of vegetation.  

Domesticated and Herded

They live along the coast and in the coastal water of the Lu'qua Tropics where they are often used by the Kulanakaians as beasts of burden or herded for their products. The mucus they coat themselves with can be processed for a unique green dye, a color that is popular among the high society of Kulanakai. Kulanakaian women in particular pride themselves on having slightly green-tinted skin as a result of wearing material dyed in this color for a long time.  

Intelligence and Social Behavior

Puku-Olapa are not particularly intelligent, but they are smart enough to be taught how to perform menial jobs such as transport of goods. They are generally docile and non-aggressive creatures that do not fight unless provoked. They need to be kept in groups however, as they quickly wither if they are left alone without any opportunity for interaction with others of their kind.  


by JessJackdaw
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by JessJackdaw


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