Qu'Khulaz Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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The Qu'Khulaz is an invasive creature that is predominantly found in the Zephyran Hills of the Lu'qua Tropics. They are often called Feathered Serpents as well, because when their upper body opens, it resembles a butterfly's wings. They possess long, snake-like bodies, but unlike snakes their bodies are much wider and flatter. They can grow to be almost 25 feet in length and when they raise up their bodies they can reach up to 16 feet in height. The skin on their lower body is thin and membrane-like, revealing the thin spines below it. They are long-lived, reaching ages of up to 100 years and they mature quickly, becoming adults within six months. They lay large batches of eggs, but the first few larvae to hatch will usually devour the other eggs (and other animals around them).  

Heat Control

Their bodies contain glands that can release a thick, syrupy liquid that is extremely hot. When temperatures are high, the glands limit their secretion and the Qu'Khulaz stores its energy. When temperatures drop, during the night for example, it starts secreting and circulating this liquid to heat its body to high temperatures. Overall they tend to keep their bodies at temperatures far higher than that of humanoids, which also serves as a protection system. Anyone unlucky enough to fall into the Qu'Khulaz's grasp will quickly burn to death. This heating system also makes them immune to cold and fire based magic.  

Ambush Predators

These giant serpents are carnivores, making them a danger to the local wildlife (or an unlucky adventurer). They usually burrow a little way into the ground and curl up in a circular shape. As they rest in this state, they rely on their hearing and tremorsense to spot incoming prey, which they will promptly swallow. As ambush predators they will usually move around and stake out herds of prey, before picking a spot where to lie in wait.  

Intelligence and Social Behavior

They are opportunistic predators and not altogether mindless, but they do not possess anything resembling sapience. They are equal opportunity killers and do not appear to possess any kind of morals, good or evil. When they recognize a creature as too large of a threat, they will avoid it or flee if they are already engaged in a fight. They refuse to be dominated however and cannot be domesticated at all.  


They do not speak any known languages and can only make hissing or clicking sounds. Their communication is entirely based around pheromone release, as is quite common among snake and snake-like species. They can pick up these chemical cues quite easily through smell, taste or their vomeronasal system.  


Geographic Distribution

Crafting Materials

Even after their death, the skin of a Qu'Khulaz remains hot to the touch. It can be used as a major component to be fashioned into a hide, or added as a protective inner layer to other armor, to confer the ability to resist fire and cold and remain warm in any kind of climate.   Its glands are also a major component of fiery weapon enchantments, and thus quite valuable.

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Cover image: by Simon Dubuc


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