Baby Eoin Character in Licentia | World Anvil
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Baby Eoin

Eoin Nicholas Migakaze

Eoin's middle name, Nicholas, was chosen because St Nicholas is a patron saint of Galway. Yes, THAT St Nick. Some people in Licentia's daycare call him "Nick" as they cannot figure out how to say his first name and therefore default to his middle name.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eoin is a bit sickly as a toddler, but as a baby things were very touch and go. Medically speaking he was born dead, and several times since birth his heart stopped beating. And yet, Zero's pheromones (and nowadays, a pacemaker like device inserted into his body) appear able to restart it. He has at one point gone five hours without a pulse, only to "wake up" seemingly unharmed. It is unknown if there are any long term effects from this bizarre condition, which has evaded all attempts at diagnosis, but thus far he is developing at about the rate expected for a baby born ten weeks premature.


Baby Eoin

son (Important)

Towards Zero



mother (Important)

Towards Baby Eoin



Although Eoin is more easy-going than his sister, Zero still had early attachment problems to him due to his poor health at birth. She did not want to get too attached as she was afraid she would lose him. That fear still lingers, but she has made the conscious decision to be vulnerable as, in her words, "a kid needs to be loved."

Legal Status

As with his sister, he is legally recognized as Zero's son.

Big Eoin

alternative timeline counterpart

Towards Baby Eoin


Baby Eoin

alternative timeline counterpart

Towards Big Eoin


Circumstances of Birth
Eoin was technically stillborn but sustained a miraclous comeback in his mother's arms.
Brown, completely unlike his parents

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