Ethan Character in Licentia | World Anvil
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Joining Licentia at the age of sixteen, Ethan made a name for himself early on by becoming the face of dissidents during Taqfleck's early days. He saw Saoirse "Zero" D'arcy's efforts to create a collective society as despotic. Some blame him for the difficulties and unrest characterizing Licentia's early days, but within Gadsden he is highly respected as a youth activist.   Although he doesn't brag about it, Ethan's politics have recently shifted somewhat from anarcho-capitalism to agorism. In some ways this has given him more common ground with more traditional anarchists, as both agorists and socialists accuse some capitalists as being happy to hoard capital and this not being a great thing. The Licentian approach of hoping to make mainstream society redundant is rooted in the theory of dual power but shares some aspects of economic secession, an understanding that has helped reduce the amount of unrest between the factions of Licentia once Ethan and others disseminated their own analysis saying much the same thing. In other words -- Ethan vibes with Licentia's let's-replace-the-state approach, and has helped moved economic dissidents within Licentia towards a sort of understanding, helping soothe relations enough to prevent a civil war.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Whenever possible, Ethan wears a formal suit, although to be honest they rarely fit his lanky body well.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Male (he/him)


Ethan was going to pursue a degree in Economics but was forced to drop out of high school once he became infected. He has since completed Licentia's GED program.

Morality & Philosophy

Ethan is an agorist and a pacifist, but still somewhat identifies with anarcho-capitalism. While he was in favor of the development of a standing army for defense, he was against the draft and is registered as a conscientious objector. Like many right-wing libertarians, Ethan is somewhat of a free speech absolutist and thinks Licentia's hate speech laws are too harsh even though he himself does not like hate speech.

Personality Characteristics


Like Zero, he takes great care in his outward appearance, although he is motivated more so by professionalism and a desire to be taken seriously by adults than he is winning friends and influence.



former fellow delegate (Trivial)

Towards Zero




former fellow delegate (Important)

Towards Ethan




Zero and Ethan have distinctly different ideologies, and he presented an early challenge to her attempts to organize Taqfleck under anarcho-communism. It is because of Ethan and like-minded infected protesting that Zero was forced to allow the creation of the neighborhood of Gadsden even though it goes against her plans for her communities. On some level, Zero resents Gadsden for not failing utterly, and Ethan knows this.   After a particularly fiery argument during a delegate meeting, Ethan invited Zero to his car to sort out their differences. Zero agreed to this reluctantly. At some point, Ethan loses his temper and exclaims that Zero is completely unwilling to hear his ideas, to which Zero responds that it might help if he actually had any good ideas. In the ensuing discussion the two of them inadvertently agree to start a business together. The business, later known as the Green Eagle, provides a decent amount of income for Taqfleck.

Relationship Reasoning

Getting along with Ethan is more important to Zero than the reverse was to him, because Ethan was (and largely still is) the face of economic dissidents in Licentia.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They have found some common ground on their dislike of tankies and law enforcement, although Ethan believes law enforcement is currently necessary to protect private property from bad actors.

Shared Secrets

The fact that the Green Eagle is run by members of Licentia is not common knowledge.

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
2001 20208700 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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