Kuneho Character in Licentia | World Anvil
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RN Ganglang (a.k.a. Kuneho)

Kuneho Ganglang (legal first name unknown) is a nurse in Licentia.   In 2020, she formally completed her training to become a registered nurse. Although she used to be a field medic, she now tends to work at the urgent care hospital in central Taqfleck.   Kuneho wrote the official report of Zero's behavior towards Kelly which lead to Zero getting a mark on her ID card for violent behavior. That being said, she tends to avoid the political discourse around Zero's legacy.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Kuneho is generally covered in light brown fur and has a pair of somewhat floppy rabbit ears. It is said she purposely uses Xenoexpression because she is hiding from somebody she knew before joining Licentia.

Specialized Equipment

Even when off-duty, she always carries Narcan and a handful of medical supplies.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kuneho is one of the first people who finished a nursing program in Licentia that is also recognized as a nurse by California at large, representing the start of an era where the quality of Licentia's education is now widely recognized.

Personality Characteristics


Kuneho has a strong sense of justice and is not afraid to speak her mind.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

When stressed out during medical procedures, she is prone to entering a RAASC. Kuneho tends to perform better when in a RAASC then out of one, but because it turns her mute, she tries to stay fully "with it" on the job.



thorn in the side

Towards Zero



"don't even talk to me"

Towards Kuneho



Kuneho witnessed Zero attack Kelly and wrote a report detailing the situation. This report has since been publicized by Dissidents and others who don't approve of Zero.   Prior to publishing the report, Kuneho put out a no-contact order with Zero.

Legal Status

No contact allowed

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Registered Nurse
Lungsod ng Escalante, Kanlurang Negros, Republic of the Philippines
Aligned Organization

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