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Breith na gCincíseach

Life, Birth

May 20th 2018

rugadh ar Cingcís
beo: Gráinne
básaithe: Eoin
táimid níos measa as anois

Zero falls ill with eclampsia and has requires a Cesarean. Due to the lack of a surgeon in Taqfleck, Artoria finds one of questionable morals to perform the surgery at 30 weeks of pregnancy. Gráinne is born alive on the twentieth of May, but Zero's son is stillborn. After some time in Zero's care, Eoin appears to miraculously come back to life, but remains weak for quite some time and doesn't leave the hospital for about two weeks. Although relieved to no longer have to deal with potentially-fatal pregnancy complication, Zero suffers from post-partum depression.

Related timelines & articles
Zero's History (article)