Licentia Main Timeline
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The timeline we know best.

The Collapse

Dec 16 2015 - May 2017

Starting with an outbreak in SFO airport, the world suddenly begins to feel the negative effects of Rumase.

  • December 18th 2015
    Fall Semester Ends
    Life, Education

    Cal's Fall Semester ends, with the last finals being taken on Friday.Academic calendar here.

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  • December 19th 2015
    Millbrae Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • Sometime in 2016
    Welcome to San Jose!
    Life, Relationship change

    Zero, Watchdog, and Sven arrive in San Jose, a city under strict lockdown and curfew to prevent the spread of the Z-virus and to curb unrest. With Zero on the brink of collapse due to earlier injuries, they manage to convince a stranger to let them inside. This stranger soon takes her pound of flesh, so to speak.

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    Jang-mi Kang
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  • Mid-to-late 2016
    The Vision
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    While in solitary confinement, Zero has a religious vision where Christ Himself speaks to her and dubs her the shepherd.

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The Rebuilding

Mid 2017 - End of 2018


  • August 1st, 2017
    Arrival in Los Caidos
    Diplomatic action

    Zero and some allies arrived in Southern California and founded Los Caídos Commune (later known as Taqfleck). Her goal is to provide a base of operations for the ongoing civil war in San Francisco whilst being far away from the actual warzone, and to help "shepherd" more infected so that they would not need to fear discrimination in common society. Zero cuts a deal with Aoide and the city itself to occupy some land by the sea; previously, it was going to be a resort, but the developers lost money and abandoned it half-built. In return she would shepherd infected from the city itself in order to prevent the current Rumase-Associated Illness(Z-Virus) outbreak from getting worse.

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  • September 18th 2017
    The Shepherding
    Population Migration / Travel

    Zero walks through the city of Los Caídos and attracts the majority of infected, bringing them back to her newly-founded commune. In total, a little less than 10,000 people were recruited--far, far more than she was planning for. This was the beginning of her struggle for resources.

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  • September 26th 2017
    The LCC Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    A rogue agent known as Cybil perpetrates a massacre in Los Caídos Commune. This marks the beginning of Zero's divide with Aoide, as she didn't feel Aoide did enough to punish Cybil or prevent such an event from happening again.

  • November 10th 2017
    Unplanned Pregnancy
    Life, Birth

    Early in the month, Zero discovers she's pregnant in perhaps the most embarrassing way possible.

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  • November 11th 2017
    Political event

    Salvo is caught stealing food from the rest of the commune. A woman named Wendy takes the fall for the crime and is branded on the face.

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  • November 30th 2017
    Flyswat Commune

    After kicking out a local gang of neo-Nazis, Zero and a small group of infected set up a community in Flyswat.

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  • December 25th 2017
    The Christmas Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    On Christmas, Cybil attacks Los Caídos a second time, beating up and blinding Zero in the process. With the help of an unlikely source, Zero eventually regains her vision, but remains furious at Marina and terrified of miscarrying from stress or injury.

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  • May 20th 2018
    Breith na gCincíseach
    Life, Birth

    rugadh ar Cingcís
    beo: Gráinne
    básaithe: Eoin
    táimid níos measa as anois

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  • July 2018
    Dallas Internment
    Population Migration / Travel

    An internment camp just outside of Dallas city is started by the CDC in a desperate attempt to control a Z-virus outbreak.

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  • July 4th 2018
    The Founding of Licentia

    In attempt to come up with a coherent identity for the various communes she has founded, Zero reorganizes them into an entity known of Licentia composed of mostly-autonomous communes.

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  • October 26th 2018
    Military action

    AthPro, a military draft under a thin veil of a fitness program, is founded in response to the perceived threat of Cybil and other dangers.

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  • November 5th 2018
    Death of William
    Life, Death

    The chief delegate of an informal commune in Dallas, Texas, arrived in California to coordinate resources and make a brief occurrence on a podcast. On his way back to the airport, he tragically died in a car accident. This lead to a vacancy in the position and the need for someone else with leadership experience to take over -- someone like Zero.   Relevant solo: Counterrevolutionary

  • November 8th 2018
    Life, Relocation

    Zero, Jang-mi, Kelly, and several others move to Texas to help organize a commune near Dallas.

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    Dallas Outskirts
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I Know Why The Caged Rabbit Leaps

January 1st 2019 - May 11th 2019

  • January 23rd 2019
    Bombing of Citylyne Offices
    Disaster / Destruction

    An unknown suspect attacked an office building in Los Caídos, leading to 73 deaths.

    Los Caídos
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  • January 26th 2019
    Zero's Imprisonment
    Civil action

    Zero and Jang-mi get arrested -- Zero on suspicion of the Citylyne Bombing, Jang-mi for helping Zero resist arrest.

    Dallas Outskirts
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  • January 26th 2019
    Befriending the Murderer
    Life, Relationship change

    Due to an influx of arrests linked to friction between infected and non-infected in Dallas, Zero is placed in a cell with an admitted murderer (Georgia) awaiting sentencing. The two become fast friends.

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  • February 4th 2019
    Zero's Confession
    Life, Crime

    Under duress, Zero confesses to bombing Citylyne. The transcript of the confessionraises eyebrows. It induces a transformation in her, to the chagrin and later amusement of her cellmate.

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  • February 9th 2019 (1:32 AM)
    Life, Crime

    Zero and Georgia bust out of prison with the help of several others.

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  • February 23rd 2019
    The "Agent's" Announcement

    A woman covering her face takes over every station in the United States and gives a twenty minute speech declaring Zero innocent of the bombing and instead pins it on "Samantha Duncan."

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  • February 24th 2019, early morning
    Theft of Project Lutose
    Life, Crime

    While Zero reprimands some of the Transformation Troops for playing with a megaweapon, Project Lutose is stolen.

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    Project Lutose
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  • February 28th 2019
    Grandiose Canyon

    Zero and Georgia are reunited with Andy. Noting that Andy has a radio collar, Zero says that they ought to throw it into the Grand Canyon, in spite of Georgia's concerns. After getting there, they have yet another encounter with the thieves. This time, Zero sees who the non-Jang-mi one is.

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  • Circa March 7th 2019
    The Death of Síle
    Life, Death

    Actually, Quiver is behind you!
    — Sean
    Relevant Twitter thread

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A Very D'arcy Christmas

Winter 2019

  • December 10th - 12th 2019
    D'arcy Reunion

    Zero, Cú, Sean, Daoirse/Saoirse, Jang-mi the Younger, Lolo, Sparky, Minnie, and the Migakaze twins go to Galway for a reunion organized by Rosemary the Younger. During this reunion, Gemma McGuire shows up, as does Jang-mi the Elder, Rosemary the Elder, and... the Migakaze twins, again?

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