Licentia Theft of Project Lutose
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Theft of Project Lutose

Life, Crime

February 24th 2019, early morning

While Zero reprimands some of the Transformation Troops for playing with a megaweapon, Project Lutose is stolen.

After the reprimand, Zero explains to Georgia that she is the Commander of Champions to Georgia and muses about how an anarchist can sit atop military hierarchy. The power suddenly goes out and a chemical agent based on Zero's freeze pheromone is released, allowing two thieves to steal Project Lutose in the resulting confusion. Several people get injured in the process, including Erin, who gets shot in the jaw, and one of the two thieves, whom Georgia manages to smack with a crowbar. The thief's gas mask (to protect from the chemical agent) is removed, revealing what appears to be Jang-mi Kang. The uninjured thief pepper sprays Zero and manages to escape with her partner in crime, leaving the "real" Jang-mi to be questioned relentlessly and treated with great suspicion once she finally does arrive in Dibana. Unaware of the existence of Jang-mi Kang the Elder, they wonder if one of the thieves could be Bao.

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