Licentia Malice Timeline
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The timeline of Daoirse and Bakii.

  • December 18th 2015
    Fall Semester Ends
    Life, Education

    Cal's Fall Semester ends, with the last finals being taken on Friday.Academic calendar here.

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  • December 19th 2015
    Millbrae Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • Sometime in 2016
    Welcome to San Jose!
    Life, Relationship change

    Zero, Watchdog, and Sven arrive in San Jose, a city under strict lockdown and curfew to prevent the spread of the Z-virus and to curb unrest. With Zero on the brink of collapse due to earlier injuries, they manage to convince a stranger to let them inside. This stranger soon takes her pound of flesh, so to speak.

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    Jang-mi Kang
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  • 20160520

    20 /5

    Birth of Triplets
    Life, Birth

    Zero has gives birth to three children -- Gráinne, Eoin, and Síle.

  • Mid-to-late 2016
    The Vision
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    While in solitary confinement, Zero has a religious vision where Christ Himself speaks to her and dubs her the shepherd.

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  • November 10th 2017
    Unplanned Pregnancy
    Life, Birth

    Early in the month, Zero discovers she's pregnant in perhaps the most embarrassing way possible.

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  • November 11th 2017
    Political event

    Salvo is caught stealing food from the rest of the commune. A woman named Wendy takes the fall for the crime and is branded on the face.

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  • July 2018
    Dallas Internment
    Population Migration / Travel

    An internment camp just outside of Dallas city is started by the CDC in a desperate attempt to control a Z-virus outbreak.

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