Guardian Academy

An extension of the Kyoto Jidai Arcane University campus in cooperation with the League of Guardians Archives

by AWV + Hero Forge
In the League of Guardians, tradition runs strong. We've relied solely on mentorship to pass down all vital information to new members.   But we never saw the day where there might not be enough Yokai in our ranks to train recruits. After recent battles where ki well destruction weapons ravaged our numbers, we stand on the precipice of losing vast amounts of valuable magic knowledge. We can not allow such a travesty to happen.   This academy marks a new era. Now, every member will have access to all training. The only requirement is a willingness to learn.   The Archives and Kyoto Jidai Arcane University will work together to keep the knowledge alive and accessible.
Soujou-bou at the school's first opening ceremony

A New School to Train Guardians?

After the League's ranks were decimated, they needed a way to preserve the knowledge and not rely solely on a mentor relationship to pass down important magic.   A two-year trade school was planned, where most advanced Guardian techniques and magic could be taught. Every member could have access to all knowledge, not just what a mentor could pass down.  

How Do They Keep Knowledge From Being Leaked?

All faculty and students sign a contract and are sealed to prevent releasing secret information. Soujou-bou and Raijin will be notified if there's a breach. Anyone caught leaking League secrets will be stripped of all magic ability and their memory wiped.  


In a bold stroke, Soujou-bou convinced the Council of the League of Guardians to start a school to train new Guardians. This still allowed the traditional League mentorships, but also brought uniformity to training for each student. The benefits were huge for both mentors and students. It didn't require as much time from the mentors and it provided for the students if the mentor was unavailable or was killed in action.    


The faculty list will expand as the school grows. Here is the initial roster.
by AWV + Hero Forge

Dean, Tactics Professor

by AWV + Hero Forge

Modern Magic Research Professor

by AWV + Hero Forge

Combat Professor (Part Time)

by AWV + Hero Forge

Survival Magic Professor

Nakmura Hisako Fox-Token (1).png
by AWV + Hero Forge

Portals and Defense Professor (Part Time)

Jo Orinousuke-Token.png
by AWV + Hero Forge

Archives and History Professor (Part Time)

by AWV + Hero Forge

Covert Operations Professor (Part Time)


Guest Lectures

Guardians past and present may take up to a month each year to teach on their experiences and tips based on work in the field.   Raijin arranges the schedule. The Guardian guest teacher must prepare a set of lesson plans, verify them with the academy staff, and be willing to record the lessons and answer questions with patience. Gone are the days of a master or teacher having complete control over students.        


Built on the hillside of an undisclosed location in Kyoto, it offers majestic views of a secret part of the Spirit Realm. Due to the magic of the area, the campus is in an eternal autumn season.      

Student Life

Housing is dorm based. Rooms are sparsely furnished, much like a monk's quarters. All class supplies are provided.   Students say the cafeteria is second to none. Recipe requests are allowed and often adopted into the menu.   The first club to form was the sparring club, so students could practice their skills. In the training dojo, magic is altered to be non-fatal no matter the spell. This allows students to practice for the field and not have to hold back to avoid injuring others.   A petition was started for a gaming club and is under consideration. The students claim that video games and virtual reality can help with combat tactics. Though rumors have it that the students really want to participate in e-sports competitions in the real world.  

First Student Class

Active Guardians will filter in as they can. But these Guardian candidates from Sumichou are the first class that will remain for the full 2 years.  
by AWV + Hero Forge
by AWV + Hero Forge
by AWV + Hero Forge
Work in Progress

This article will be expanded in the future.


This article will be expanded in the future.


This article stub serves as a simple definition.

Preparing the next generation to forge a path of peace


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The biggest ones for book 3 are tucked in Team Shion secrets and marked with dropdown buttons to allow avoiding large spoilers for those who wish it.
Undisclosed. Accessible only via portal from an area in the Spirit Realm
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
Kyoto Jidai Arcane University League of Guardians Branch
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

Appears In:

Liminal Chronicles Series bookcover art by Odette.A.Bach and text by Amy Winters-Voss. Short story bookcovers by Amy Winters-Voss

Cover image: by AWV
Character flag image: by kerismaker


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Oct 2, 2024 01:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like how this is a new school that has had to be created because of circumstances. I love the idea of student recipe requests sometimes being added into the menu! :D

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Oct 2, 2024 02:28 by Amy Winters-Voss

Oh, thank you!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
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