Soujou-bou's Castle

...the strange shimmer retracts to reveal a walled in compound with a towering, gold filigreed gate and stout wooden doors. Whoa. Is that real?
Umeji Tatsuya's first time visiting in Guardian
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The castle village, located in an undisclosed point on Mt. Kurama, is home to Soujou-bou, King of the Tengu. The servants keep the immaculate grounds absolutely pristine. It's said that the castle rivals the Emperor's palace. While Hayami Kairi, the head servant, will deny it, a glimmer of pride shines in his eyes when the castle's beauty is mentioned.   It's hidden away as one of the few remaining yokai refuges in the world. Though, only a few hundred of the otherworldly beings live here.  


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Inhabitants are mainly the civilized raptor and raven tengu who make up the host of servants, Soujou-bou's personal guard, and the castle's army. But you'll also find League of Guardians members, who are all varieties of yokai, here.  


The best defense is keeping out of sight. Centuries ago, Soujou-bou created a magical force field sustained by the energy focused at the main circle on Mt. Kurama. It shields the castle from being viewed from the outside and spooks away those who get too close.   Invaders will have a tough time reaching the castle on Mt. Kurama's steep slopes.  
by imaginationlol
Once the alarm gong rings, the castle army assembles for immediate action. To supplement them, tengu warriors from every clan portal in at designated areas on the estate grounds.  

Assets and Points of interest

Soujou-bou's Living Quarters

Soujou-bou's personal quarters by AWV+MJ
The Tengu King, who is also an asetic priest, keeps a few treasured items (that befit his kingly status), but otherwise his personal space utilizes the concept of Ma (an interval or emptiness in space or time). The vast openness also shows off his vast wealth. Who else could have such large rooms filled with only a few treasures?  

League Headquarters

The Council of the League of Guardians meets in the massive audience hall to discuss issues the League faces and how to quickly address cases of yokai and human interactions that are not going well. Only League members and Soujou-bou's personal servants are allowed in. Though, on a few occasions guards and castle soldiers have been asked to escort a visitor off estate grounds.  


Soujou-bou's teahouse by AWV+MJ
The secluded tea house is across the pond from Soujou-bou's residence. He enjoys having tea there with special guests, and often practices the tea ceremony to ensure his visitors have the best experience. Though, guests here are rare. Only Tarou-bou, the tengu who lives on Mt. Atago, has spoken of having the privilege of visiting the beautiful place. Kairi will not divluge any of his master's secrets by mentioning other visitors.
Work in Progress

This article will be expanded in the future.


This article will be expanded in the future.


This article stub serves as a simple definition.

Appears In:

Liminal Chronicles Series bookcover art by Odette.A.Bach and text by Amy Winters-Voss. Short story bookcovers by Amy Winters-Voss

Cover image: by AWV+MJ


Author's Notes

While Soujou-bou is said to live somewhere on the mountian, I haven't (yet) seen a description of his palace other than REALLY pretty and possibly jewel covered (which does not fit the Soujou-bou of my book). So I had fun with describing it here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

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