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Durantia's Cleansers


Whale > Shark > Swordfish = Tuna

Public Agenda

The Durantia's Cleansers main objective is destroying all non-sustainable ethnicities. In order to do that, they must first gather enough weapons and followers. One form of doing that is by being pirates in the Remote Islands.


With the end of Amled's War Against the Living,Byen Engler capitalist growth and the recent advances in science and technology many natural ecosystems throguh out Lindrinor started collapsing. With the humans of Rockvar leading the natural resources exploitation and destruction of the envyroment, nature's equilibrium is in the balance. The Durantia's Cleansers are a terrorist group trying to revert that.   They were founded in the year 123 ABE by Olana Eialheart, Hector Mcvoy and Romeo, the Whisperer. Their only goal is to rid Lindrinor of it's toxic and destructive inhabitans, by any means necessary. They started their work in Byen Engler and spread across the globe since then. In the year 147 ABE, more radical leader Olana decided to shift the organization's focus into the Remote Islands, place where they could gather enough treasure and power to achieve their objectives.

"A good human is a dead human"

Founding Date
123 ABE
Illicit, Terrorist group
Alternative Names
Orcas; Ecoscists;
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations


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