Forgers' Tongue

Common phrases of the Forgers.

The success and proliferation of the Forgers, in my opinion, can be attributed to their adoption of local languages. The songs are not sung in some faraway tongue or long-dead language, they are understood not only by the singers but by the listeners as well.
— Nim, Skyships and the People Who Make Them

Words of Faith

In Grara, Zinato, and Burim where the presence of the Forgers of the Strewn Sky is the greatest on Breharan, there are some common phrases that are used - even if the language varies from region to region.   It is common to tell someone to "Go sing." when they are feeling down instead of just telling them to cheer up. When someone is being mean or grumpy they are told that "There are no jagged edges in the United Land." to get them to back down or soften their demeanour. To be "gone the way of the Chapters." is to be lost or to have lost one's mind.

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This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

Good Terms

The Forgers have not created any enemies so the use of language focused on their faith is not frowned upon. The Orth may not use the phrases themselves but won't begrudge anyone for using them.   The exception is in Bral where the Forgers are not allowed to operate. Anyone using phrases that would be recognized could out them to the community - and to the authorities.

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Aug 22, 2024 04:55 by Bob O'Brien

A nice, straightforward response to the prompt... Nice examples.

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Aug 23, 2024 01:14 by Paul

Thank you!

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Aug 28, 2024 21:24

I'm curious what these peoples' deal is. How did their religion come to be? What are some of their tenants? How are they viewed by the rest of the inhabitants of your world? How prevalent are they, in the grand scheme of organizations and social groups?