Haira's Land

Windswept rocks of winter.

Haira's chilling breath swept across the snow-covered plain. Everything was quiet, the sound consumed by the snow, except for the only thing moving across the landscape. The quick pattering of twenty-four furry paws pulling a sled across the otherwise silent and peaceful land.

Where Land and Sky and Winter Collide

Located at the very edge of the Orthlands, opposite the Spine, and at the place where Haira - the winter wind - reaches Breharan, Haira's Land is a barren place. Only the hardiest grasses and lichens grow there and they never grow very tall.   Orthan hares and the great falcons that eat them call the place home - and even then, only during the spring, summer, and autumn. During the late autumn, schools of saucerfish find their way onto the land and form big piles for the winter. Over the winter they enter a period of inactivity - torpor - and while some on the tops of the piles may die to the cold, many survive.

Importance to the Orth

The Orth - specifically the People of the Dog whose traditional territory includes Haira's Land - attribute special meaning to the location. It is the subject of myths and the location of stories of friendship, fae encounters, and tragedy.   For the People of the Dog, the area also provides a source of food for the winter. The piles of saucerfish are an important part of their winter diet - easily gathered by hand after moving some snow. Their trusty teams of dogs pull sleds full of the fish to feed all of Iyorii and their four-legged friends.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

Whitewolf Roam

Once there were great wolves that called the Orthlands home; among them were the whitewolves who could walk the length of the Orthlands without ever stopping. The most dangerous and cunning of all the wolves found their home in Haira's Land - a place first called Whitewolf Roam.   Now the whitewolves are never seen and some wonder if they ever existed at all. But the People of the Dog know better. There may still be some out there but they definitely still live on. All the dogs of Breharan come from wolves domesticated in Zinato probably before the Time of Darkness - all except the dogs of Iyorii, descended from the whitewolves of old.


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