The Day We All Fell Down

On the third day of the Dance Song Festival, in the year K75R according to the Linibian Calendars During the Friend Times, everyone in the entire world of Lia'Neir'Aratha fell face down shortly after what would be breakfast time in the eastern reaches of that continent. Most simply fell over, wondered what caused that for a moment, and stood up. Sadly, not all were so lucky. Some fell into fires or other work hazards. Others fell off a cliff or roof. Still others fell during a battle or in the presence of dangerous beasts or monsters. Only The Source knows the true toll, but many tens of thousands, perhaps far more, are known to have died that day. Nobody knows what caused it, or why, but many localities still hold a solemn service at dawn to remember those who died so suddenly and randomly on that unsuspecting day in the midst of what should have been a happy festival celebrating the end of summer.


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