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Brotherhood of the Crimson Vow

An organization devoted to holding the final line of defense before a citadel falls to the undead, the Brotherhood of the Crimson Vow are sworn to give their lives to protect the weak. They are trained in extensive body-enhancing blood magic that takes years to train, and the Crimson Vow scares off all but the most devoted, so their numbers remain low unfortunately. They do not have the numbers to protect all citadels simultaneously and cannot risk losing their precious few, so they often refuse to step in until the situation becomes truly. This has earned the organization a reputation as being heartless and uncaring, though that is far from the truth, as every single Blood Knight swore their lives away for some reason.   Due to the high risk nature of their mission, Brotherhood trains are usually given maximum priority on the timetables.


  • Red Squire: recruits in training
  • Blood Knight: paladin fully trained in blood magic and allowed to fight
  • Arterial Paladin: staff paladins that train squires and manage logistical challenges
  • Crimson Conductor: local commander of the brotherhood and commander of one of their trains
  • Hemophage: regional general
  • Coagulate: independent detective that tries to solve problems before the Brotherhood has to step in
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members


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