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Ganthal of Bluemoon Forest

Ganthal of Bluemoon Forest is an unhealed goblin of theBluemoon Forest Clan that is an Arterial Paladin of the Brotherhood of the Crimson Vow. Ganthal is a third-generation Brother who has protected Gravefellow all his life and is supremely loyal to his fellow brothers. Whenever there isn't a Crimson Conductor present in Gravefellow, Ganthal is generally regarded as the local head of the Brotherhood there.   At present, Ganthal has 7 Blood Knights reporting to him and 30 Red Squires whose training is the general focus of the Blood Knights.   Ganthal is very talented at magic, and typically draws from his blood to fuel blue fire magic spells. He wields a halberd he has nicknamed "Skullfire".
Lawful Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Southeast Gravefellow at the Chapterhouse
Aligned Organization
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