Narra Organization in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Known to Themselves as "The Northern Nation of Freedom and Democracy," or "Country of the Good People"... The latter sounds better in their language.

Situated in the northernmost habitable area of the Aligorian continent, Narra has developed over the centuries a benevolent and (relatively) just nation, with mostly elected government officials and a functional judicial system that is, for the most part, impartial and lawful good. The Narrans are a proud people with a long history in this part of the world, and they detest evil of all kinds. Throughout the continent, their government is a beacon of goodwill and hope, despite the possible threats from the Aligorian Empire to the south. Indeed, much of the Narran nation feels an impending conflict with the Empire, which has grown over-large and over-bold in recent decades.     Narra, Humanoids, Creatures, Plants, etc.
Humans: Overview
Governmental, Senate/Parliament


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