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Prologue 2: Meeting People

ACT ONE, SCENE TWO: Meeting People on the Greyswift
  Meetihg People, Gathering Information Odd Party, Character Notes Odd Party, Act I, Scene 1: Departure Odd Party, Act 1, Scene 3: Pirate Attack Odd Party, Act 1, Scene 4: Taking the Pirate Ship     NPC's to Meet  
Captain Tizzy of the Greysail:
  a little paranoid
  • Extensive knowledge of the shipping lanes between the ports of Zephyra to Tellarus, and of the creatures that swim the sea, and especially the Sauhuagin (loves to talk about them, and their fearfulness)
  • Including creatures and pirates
Port at Tellarus
  • "Even if you creep down the Tovven coast, they'll cut you off. I've been boarded a few times.
  • But hey, why worry?" He looks out over the steely ocean: "It's only a lonely life at sea..."
Never leaves the wharf at Tellarus: the place is crawling with Imperials; they'll skin you alive...
  • Drop off cargo and head back; I don't waste any time
  • Don't trust the Empire; they're out to harass every and anyone visiting... lots of questions, you see
  • I pay my tarrif and sail away as quick as I can
Derren Blackbear Falsani,
retiring warrior from the Western Hills of Zephyra (Blackbear Clan, no tribe)
  • Battled with his clan for many years, but their leadership waned and he became a mercenary
  • 'A man sits on a barrel above deck, with a grizzled vizage of salt and pepper beard, thinning hair. Look like at some point he may have had a muscular build, but now has lost weight. Frankly, he just looks a little tired, sitting on the ship's deck perusing a book, the grey Lupine skies over his head, and the dancing steel sea all around.
  • He wears a worn leather jerkin, old canvas pants, and what looks like a new pair of boots. A bear claw hangs on a cord around his neck. He looks up from his book at your approach and gives a slight nof and old smile.
  • He closes his book and stands up to greet you (especially Michael) in the traditional Zephyran manner, right fist on left should, and "Greetings of the Blackbear."'
  Retiring, leaving Zephyra for good
  • A land only good for war, a commerce in which i no longer deal
BOOK: "A Traveler's Guide to the Legendary Ruins of Western Aligoria" (Hook for Twig)
  • Also look at Cat People (Yaa) Ruins
  • The Anta
  • Long Chapter on the Vastness (Goblin guy might appreciate it: There are active goblin temples far below the surface of the Gutter)
  • Also rumors of Gobbleguuk across the continent: An entire nation of goblins, a smear of Thuddits?
  • Knows of basic relationship between humans and Catfolk... Why are you travelling to Tellarus?
ALMOST RECOGNIZES SCIAPA (but then decides "It can't be.")  
"I let the past be passed; I live my own life now."
  • In his past, his father was killed by a marauding Zephyran orc-tribe;
  • "So much of my life bent on violent revernge...
  • I'll still kill any on sight, but not with out-of-control rage: With cool, clean murder in my heart. For the rest of the world, I fell utmost compassion. I with you all well, whoever you are..."
for someone, or else found stashed away somewhere on the ship: These are in the hold too, or down in Derren's neatly kept room, whichever comes first (see Notes for treasure)
  • Two "Frost Vials": Test tube full of whisping cold vapors, like a giant frosty pill of glass. Strike, range 20' >... Deals 1d6 cold; and 1 splash, target takes a 5' penalty until end of next turn
  • A box of 10 silver crossbow bolts, and a gorgeous, gilded oak-and-gold crossbow, magic (+1 for every shot)

Burgga Kreff

Old Goblin Soothsayer
  "A hunchbacked being, some three feet tall at most, wearing a dirty, ragged lace shawl over her head and draped across her shoulders, you can see her goblin heritage by the sunken red eyes and the crooked nose that sticks out from her head covering. She holds a cane and hobbles, dragging one foot. She stops suddenly and turns and looks at you with a piercing gaze, the nods and continues on her way. Every step elicits a small, high-pitched grunt, as if the effort of walking were quite painful. 'We'll meet soon, little grukkanukkers ('little boys' wait for me...""   A general pronouncement on the party, or regarding the party to someone else: "There is Greatness Unfolding," and we want you on our side. The lady did also say, in Goblin, "Death hangs over their heads," or literally translated, "The snukka-bar wants to bash their heads to a pulp." It's a figure of speech that basically means, "Trouble is immanent."   From the Darsanti: "Our family has had a stake in the Future Eaters / Bunggo's Brigade for a century or more, a relationship still developing.  Their representatives are gruff, maybe rude, but their soothsaying is at very least a fascination for us.  We believe it's good to have them on our side..."   But there was a sense to her saying, that this trouble is ours, and you are the lot to get us out...  
For Baerbee, the Snokkycards:
  • Likes to be left alone, but then calls Baerbee late at night: "The Snokkycards want you... Follow the Snokkycards; always their servat am I..."
  • All of the Snokkycard reading is "stored" i a crystal ball
  • Old Lady Goblin Oracle,
    a follower of Bunggo, Occult Entity, Mistress of the Long Way Off...
  • The Witches of Bunggo want to piece together all the futures in the world, and ultimately "Rule the Predictions" and fulfill their destiny as Masters of Time
  • they've been around for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, and they think they've made progress...
  • They admit, it is a very long process...
Background of her cabin and her accoutrementss
  • a dim cabin, still draining smoke, festooned with strange lacy hangings, and lit by the warm glow of three blue candles.
  • As the ship rocks on the waves, the candle-light flickers, casting strange shifting light.
If a reading is given:
  • The old oracle's face is lit by the crystal from below, making her features seem even more strange.
  • The is a mouldering glow in her eyes. The smell of patchouli and rot fills the air from glass globe on the table that spills green smoke.

  • [She has taken some kind of interest; she'll be back somehow... Gerd's dedication to Thudd, more future needed on this Topic, and Stiapa's origin]
Burgga Kreff is a member of the Skenn Fugg,
  the Skenn Fugg, Future-Eater Society, a group of disparate creatures who work to gather the future, especially imporant events, and bring them into their crystal balls. Sometimes they enlist Mother Fate to assist in this process. Once all the futures have been gathered from all of Summer's Tale and beyond, the Skenn Fugg with have dominion and control over all. The group was founded over a thousand years ago by a Hobgoblin devotee of a strange goddess called Fummp'zey, a mistress of the Future? of life-thirst? of hunger? It's hard to tell on the outside.   In any case, the Skenn Fugg travel the world, seeking those with a bright, adventurous, or complex future, the more value to acquire, the more fulfilling of the Skenn Fugg agenda. With these creatures, she can gather specifics--a special kind of knowledge, valuable to Burrga Kreff.   The Skenn Fugg speak a different strain of Goblin, a more smooth and calming and charming straing of the language.      


Baerbee's Reading
  The woman deftly shuffles with surprising agility, and spreads out five S cards in front of you. There is a castle spire on either end, two "mysteries", and a "gold" in the middle.
  • "Highes Spires, in the City of Liars
  • The men in black that never tire
  • River of Gold, intrigue untold
  • And wealth, and murder-fire."
THere is a face then, Tessinaen, and it snarls and winks then disappears    
Gerd's Reading
  Poverty on the left, then the Black Hole (picture of it in a secret place), the Two Naughts, then the Temple of Chaos (smear on this card, of what? some kind of blood?)
  • Little Gerd, the temples want you,
  • Or dead on the head, will ever haunt you
  • Faith is stupid, but can get you there
  • At the goddess alter, you can get somewhee...
GEOFF'S APPEARANCE (in a puffy cloud of pink; why did he decide this place to open a portal?) Along the cliffs of BURRANT (Ben describes)   FOREENA CHALICA: distant cousin of kirk PARRSIFF CHARLICA (dead great-grand-uncle-cousi) Cat Country, beyond "city of Aligoria"--Tellarus  
Sailors--Mates Del, Frens, and Quopp (Quopp half elf)
  • Del and Fren women: Strong and Nimble, climbing in the riggings
  • Quopp (helf elf): Does less work, and fascinated with playing "dice"
    • Will gladly bet coppers any time he can
  Odd Party, Character Notes Odd Party, Act I, Scene 1: Departure Odd Party, Act 1, Scene 3: Pirate Attack Odd Party, Act 1, Scene 4: Taking the Pirate Ship


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