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Prologue 4: As the Greyswift Sinks

As the Greyswift Sinks: Post-Battle
Odd Party, Character Notes Odd Party, Act I, Scene 1: Departure Odd Party, Act 1, Scene 2: Meeting People 1:3... Odd Party, Act 1, Scene 3: Pirate Attack

Derren stays with them if he survives, long enough to cast some hooks

Derrens says with some urgecy that the party should loot the hold; there are stolen goods there to retrieve

The Pirate ship was once squeaky clain, the deck polish to a varnish shine, now swallowed partly in flame. The mast is striaght and tall, the many sails that once snapped rigid in the wind now aflame and ragged in the sea wind. The jet black flag at the mast is now all but consumed by flame. The smell of smoke and the presence of soot thicken the air around our heroes, some of them coughing a little, and squinting their eyes.    
(ship on fire, but able to make it to the stuff, although dinghy on its way)   Two arks of gold with handles (only 4 ogres or greater can lift), also an ark of blue quartz ore, one ark smeared with feathers and blook Notes attached to each one: Property of Desranti Family in flourishing Aligorian (partially readable by Zephyrans, about a third)
  • Deliver by Decem 6 (Decem 5 now) to avoid penalties
  • Penalties may include public dismemberment by Ogre
  • And should you attempt a theft of this property,
  • You and your family and friends will all rot in a filthy prison in the filthy gutter of Tellarus
  • Don't be stupid. We know where you live.
  • A timely and complete delivery of the goods will be paid as promised.
  • MUNDANE ITEms: ardtack stacked on far side, and several sides of salted pork, and sugar-water and jars of pickled olives, and a barrel of cheap Zephyran vodka or everclear, and a cask of beer almost empty      
      In the Dinghy (pirates fleeing with loot, except the loot:) See treasure Notes LOOT on PIRATES (see Treasure in notebook)          
    DROGO DARSANTI'S LONGSHIP (include also the view of the city, below)
      Caravaek, the "GoldPuts down anchor And three later a longboat launches, Takes 15 minutes to reach the scene
    • A sleek longboat galley-ship, of dark laquered wood and gilded planking, with a brass fiddlehead prow, and one single sail. Clearly moves most by person-power, or by orc power in this case. Its flag bears that same design (as above): [the Desranti family]"
    • Six orcish looking men, chained to the mast, row the boat with sigle-minded strength. when the boat pulls up, you see that they are chained tightly to the mast... "ORC BRUTE (rank and file)" in MMP2e
    • Four 10' tall persons of thick flesh and enormous bulk look at you with little stupid, belligerent eyes (know as ogres?), arms crossed or droopig ape-like, enormous hands flexing with belligerence ("OGRE WARRIOR" in MMP2e, with only a fist-bash for melee)
    • (Might send them on board immediately to rescue the gold and quartz)
    • Amidst the four ogres, there is one man, black hair slick, face clean-shaven, eyes shrewd and narrow, perhaps in his late twenties. Black shirt and pants of cotton cover a trim, athletic build, and stylish leather boots shine. To complete his outfit, this person has a flowing black cape. The [Desranti emblem] is embroidered in silver at his breast;
    • Drogo Darsanti Mafiosa, cool and brisk, commanding... will try to get everyone's attention...
    • Not wasting time, just pull up alongside the hull of the ship and start bashing away with huge mallots, despite any smoke
    • Will bash in the hull within 1d6+4 minutes.... as the deck and above burn
    • Then just send the four Ogres: Slop, Stokk, Blopp, Stikk to board the flaming pirate ship and retrieve those three things
    • "The gold is ours; it's time to stop this foolishness". [clap clap! Slop and Stokk, fetch the arks]
    The odd party will be simply attacked and destroyed if they resist      

    from the Pirate Battle:

  • next possible step, Tizzy: "Would need to row through known pirate waters (the next five miles or so, before entering Imperial Waters, which ar guarded diligently)
  • Imperial Attention would not be good, not at all
  • Derren Falsani really wants to dock in Tellarus, "We'll just explain it to them; they won't hurt us, will they?"
  • JACK CITY: City of Liars and Crooks, and dangerous people; black clad thieves and extortionists...
  •   None of these routes Tizzy want to take., he is overcome with indecision and anxiety,
    but one or the other is inevitable.. Too much danger; he is fairly paralyzed with distress...
    collapses in anxiety, and from the battl4e Rowing to Tellarus Would take a day and then some, with interruption from either pirates or imperial ships; we would be brought aboard and who knows what...! And now here comes the rowboat
      TELLARUS from the Pirate Battle, via Captain Tizzy: "Would need to row through known pirate waters (the next five miles or so, before entering Imperial Waters, which ar guarded diligently) Imperial Attention would not be good, not at all Derren Falsani really wants to dock in Tellarus, "We'll just explain it to them; they won't hurt us, will they?" JACK CITY: City of Liars and Crooks, and dangerous people; black clad thieves and extortionists...        

    IF TOWARd JACK CITY: Description

      Look also under "Details of Jack City", scroll down: Jack City    Toward Jack City (describe)   DESCRIPTION FROM THE SEA (DERSANTI BOAT APPROACHING) "It's a city of great high spires on hills that look over it all. Those in these castles are cheats and liars and murderers, and the city belongs to them. The rest are thugs and thieves, fighting out pointless turf wars, just killing each other again and again. Jack City is ruled by the fittest, the mafiosa, and the fittest have no intention of letting go of their power. You align yourself to the winner or you eventually die a grisly death, probably on the street or in some back alley. The city has no government but for that. The police are thugs and toughs who delight in giving out punishment to those that defy their boasses (spit). It is a horrid place, but the gold... If we don't deliver it..."   "There is a goblin district there, a miserable place I'm told, but maybe Gerd could just get off the ship and go there? I mean, with your friend too?"   "Also We are closest to Jack City; Closest by 35 miles or so..."   A small but majestic ship is moored to the west, between you and Jack City, perhaps a mile awawy. A rowboat can be seen making its way slowly, as the ship sinks, and soon you see four impossibly large peope, and one tall human in black, arms folded, dwarfed now by these hulking men beside him.   [Here four ogres and one black - clad man (but dapper in black, removes hood to reveal penetrating dark eyes, a clean shave, and a great poise: Tonio Desanti, a medium level Dasanti mafiosi) ... to get the gold. Only Ogres can possibly lift it.]   They are here to get the gold; care about little else; will take the party back if they can convince him. If the gold is lost, PC's will be punished as an example to others that might disrupt the process.   [The first line of collection in Jack City is a low-level mafiosum named Jabba Desanti; gold is brought to his den (somewhere on the outskirts of the Goblin Quarter). There he keeps a strange managerie of creatures, and will grant an audience just because the heroes are so strange.]    
      Four ogres and their two mafiosa "handlers" approach the ship from across the wharf, get there in 1d4 minutes. Walking with a definite sense of purpose. When the NPC's reach the ship, they will do an almost imperceptible double-take (due to party's oddness), then quickly recover. Roughly, Business-like, they request a gangplank, or walk up one if already there. They take no shit whatsoever and will begin aggressivity.   Released to Jack City, 2,1 Jack City: Odd Party, Act 2, Scene 1      
      Ogres will begin to unload the gold etc., while Drogo speaks with the Heroes about what brings them to Jack City and what they might want to do here. "There are many amusements in Jack City, the city of beauty and wonders. I am afraid our paths have here crossed for the last time, unless there is any kind of trouble... The Dersanti family is in debt to you for your services. Here are 2 crowns a piece (subtract) for your troubles. Enjoy the city. Best not to meddle in the affairs of the Desranti family again... We have eyes..."   Quopp quickly darts, his light brown hair in a bun, giving a quick nod to the heroes. Derren has wiped the pirates' blood from his blade, nods his head soberly to our heroes, steps down the gangplank and walks off into the crowd on the wharf. "Best of luck," (with a sardonic hint)... he and Frenze head out.   PC's released to Wharf 2,1 Jack City: Odd Party, Act 2, Scene 1      
    A Destranti mofiosa comes to the docks before they unload, producing a contract

    • ("The cargo of this ship is explicitly ours. [hold up a contract] You receive payment when the goods have been inspected and taken off-board. Any attempted resistance will be met with immediate and lawful destruction of your persons." Will wait 30 seconds before boarding and attacking; no mercy.
    • [Four Ogres Names: Slop, Stokk, Blopp, Stikk...]]
    • If the characters comply, they will be paid 25 gp a person, "as promised." "Speak a word of this trasaction to anyone and meet a painful and exquisite demise. I'm not messing around here." The group departs.
    • If anchored in harbor, the same thing will happen except by a smaller boat
    • Released to WHARF, 2,1 Jack City: Odd Party, Act 2, Scene 1
      A majestic, clea caravel of may sails approaches from the south. A big flag, maroon lion on white, fllies from the mast-head. The vessel approaches slowly, almost casually. Soon you see a line of five men standing at the gunwale.   "Hail to you, be you friends of the Empress Strignario and her domain. If not, submit and receive your dues. We demaned you board, as friends of the Empire. Bring you cargo, but lay your weapons on the deck. You are free from pirates here, but your foes are no less formidable. We are however willing to be leniant, should you pay your tarrifs for presence in these waters."   The ship is smooth and clean, the deck scrubbed to perfection, the sails fesh and taut, the sailors working tirelessly in the riggings. The captain approaches, his starched white uniform lined with maroon braids, witha three golden pins at his breast. He wears a slick white hat. His dark eyes search you. He has the air of a wise man who does not often smile.      
    Wharfside Crowd in Tellarus
      Small Crowd gathers, of many different anciesiries, to gape at the bird-man. Cowed at sight of imperials. as Imperials Approach, Four, On horseback, casual and intense at the same time... Swaying a little side to side as their horses saunter up.

    They interrogate the Heroes: You are a strange bunch, what brings you to Tellarus, seat of the mighty Aligorian Empire?

    From whence do you arrive in our great city?

    What are your purposes here? What will you do in thie fair city of ours?

    What mischief are you planning?
    What good will you do?
    Do you bring coin? Show us.

    You are a strange bunch, and you stink of old patchouli. Enjoy the city, but atch your backs... Turn their horses and saunter off down the wharf, one of them looking back over his shoulder with a glower.

    Taverns and Locations on the Wharf:
    • TO ACT 2, SCENE 1
    • DOCKHAND (in MM)
      • DOCKHAND (in MM)
      • THUGS, general (in MM)
      • COMMONERS -- Lots of ancestries (in MM) - - human, goblin, etc.
      • SAILORS (in MM)
      • OGRES
      DOCKHAND (in MM) THUGS, general (in MM) CHARLATON (in MM) Tonio Mafioso (as ...?)  
    • THUGS, general (in MM)
    • COMMONERS -- Lots of ancestries (in MM) - - human, goblin, etc.
    • SAILORS (in MM)


    possible from Derren, and the Pirate Hold   Two "Frost Vials": Test tube full of whisping cold vapors, like a giant frosty pill of glass. Strike, range 20' >... Deals 1d6 cold; and 1 splash, target takes a 5' penalty until end of next turn   A box of 10 silver-plated crossbow bolts, and a gorgeous, gilded oak-and-gold crossbow, magic (+1 for every shot)   a half-empty jug (10 swigs) of [Grogginkubby]: 2 extra hit points for 6 hours   A rough little jewelry box with (three?) talismans (depending on level?)   First one: A jade cat (worn as a pendant, Activat >... fail or attempt an acrobatics for Balance (must be trained in actobatics): for 1 minute, all falls are 20' less, and not flat footed when balancing   Second one: An onyx panther: Evision >....sneak attack (must be trained in stealth): Can move full speed for triggering sneak, and any other sneak this turn   Third one: Potency crystal... glows in phosphorescence; affix to weapon; evision >... Attack with affixed weapon, but haven't rolled yet: becomes a +1 striking weapon for the turn, and deals double damage on a hit   COIN / WEALTH
    100 flags (sp, sqaure), 20 small but thick silver warven coins (square coins) (on the Greyswift--pirates loot and take it up)
    15 crowns (gp) and 85 dwarven gold (on pirate ship)
    (20 crowns (gp) looting? or also found in the pirate hold)
    Three small, well-crafted octahedral quartz crystal, worth 5 gp each (on pirates? or what? )


      • DOCKHAND (in MM)
      • THUGS, general (in MM)
      • COMMONERS -- Lots of ancestries (in MM) - - human, goblin, etc.
      • SAILORS (in MM)
      • OGRES.
      • Make up other Mafia groups improvisationally
      • Tonio Desanti
        Later a Tavern called "The Four Ogres"


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