Schnyden Dwarves Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Schnyden Dwarves

Schnydes are awkward-looking to other dwarves. They are taller (averaging ove 5’) and lanky and have elongated features. Their hair is usually red, or reddish brown, and their beards can be a little thin and patchy. Because of their appearance, and their different behaviors, they are often treated gruffly and without humor by dwarves of other ancestries.   Most amazingly, Schnyde’s feel absolutely no emotion whatsoever. This can lead to rather sociopathic behavior, but rarely violent or murderous. The Schnydes care not for any derision they might suffer, or of any other hardship that involves emotion. They simply don’t care, and survive quite peacefully without the bother. The Stories tell of how this came to be.   Because of their lack of feeling, opposing their artistic ambitions, they are known as failed artists, artisans, and bards, although they may not deserve this. Certainly there are many who are terrible and lack any feeling. Other Schnyde succeed in their art using intellect. These poets and bards are respected by the more intelligent audiences, but the rest just roll their eyes.   Schnydes revere no Dwarven deity, nor any other. They are urban Dwarves through and through, living out lives in cities or quarried villages. Sometimes they come together to discuss poetry or philosophy, but they don’t need the company of others. Theirs is an independent spirit.   Some say they are not Dwarves at all, but some kind of alien being set down in the mountains of Brohd Zellor. Being raised in a Dwarven environment however gives them access and practice in Dwarven ways and skills. In truth, they are part of the Dwarven family, regardless of how they are treated by others.
Regions and Differences Among Schnydes:
Brohd Zellor and the Brohdzl Range In the Zellorian mountains, Schnyde Dwarves are encountered in cities, unless they are crossing land from one place to another. They have no clans but are associated with a certain Dwarven city, along with their family lineage. Brohd Zellor West has by far the highest population of these Dwarves.   Narran Lands Sometimes, out of intellectual curiosity, a Schnyde or a small group of them will come down into Narra and seek an urban area. The Narrans think them quite curious, but in typical Narran fashion they accept (or tolerate) the Schnydes in their communities.
Playing a Schnyden character... 

Remember, in a more-or-less way, Schnyden Dwarves have a lack of emotion, feeling very little emotion or "feelings" as we might say. Here are the specific game-play attributes of the Schnyde, should you choose to play one:
  Schnydes are a Rare Player Character race, so one can expect an unfamiliarity from various societies and peoples.  This may prove a disadvantage, but it might also make for an interesting story.  In any case, the Schnyde will most likely have trouble fitting in to the campaign world, especially at first.   Here are the Schnydes player character statistics and attributes: Schnyden Dwarves Player Character Attributes 


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