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The Darsanti Caravel "Dragon"

  **** Rowing tp the Caravel, it looms formidably above. The Destrani Flag flies high, and the masts rise up enormous, with sails taken down. The great ship--as big or bigger than a mansion--rocks gently on the waves of this grey evening. As you watch, a hatch opens on the side of the vessel, and a ladder is lowered. You are helped up and inside the vessel.   The decor inside the vessel, with its rich, damask carpeting, warm lighting, and varnished wood, strike you all at once. Everyone helped up and in, you look around you in awe. Truly, some of you have never been in so lavish a space. From this receiving room, a stairway recedes down further ito the vessel. Your deferent yet efficient servant-host beckons you down the stairs to "your quarters."   At the bottom of the stairs, there are more hallways, and your servant nods straight ahead, saying "follow me please, my lords." With some dramatics, the man shows you to your rooms, each with your own, with great expensive rugs, a plush bed and pillow, and art on the walls the likes of which you've never seen. It all happens almsot before you can react any reasoning. Your rooms are also furnished with wash basins, soap, and shaving implements, as well as plates of breads and cheeses. Fine double breasted suits hang on hooks, approximating your size.   Your servant host bows and ask if there is anything else might do for you.   My lords, the Lady Kora Dersanti requests the honor of your presence at the Central Hall, an hour past sunset. I will come and retrieve you at that time. If you are given to know, this is a most rare honor, bestowed upon only a handful of the Lady's guests. If I may say so, she sees something in you; a true honor indeed.

Very well then [bow], good afternoon. ****        
  **** Your servant, Tobair as he is called. stops in on you and checks to see if you are ready. [if so...]   Down a shallow well of polished wooden stairs, the scent all about is of cedar and spices. Finally you reach what must be the lowest habitable level of the caravel. The hallways here are lit by glow-globes, ever-burning in their warm orange light.   Soon the hallway emerges into a space that is somehow both lavish and modest at the same time. Those of you familiar with the ways of western Aligoria see it immediately for a dining space of the highest taste. A long, dark, varnished table spreads along to your left, while to the right an antechamber, set with chairs and side tables for after-dinner conversation.   Kora Dersanti herself sits at the head of this long table. She has large dark eyes and jet-black hair, wearing all black: a tasteful leather jacket, black canvas leggings, an high leather boots. She stands and smiles: "Welcome good heroes; it is an honor to host and dine with you. Please, find a seat as you will."   Upon the shining surface of the darkwood table, settings have been placed. There are higher seats, tastefully rendered, for those not fully sized. Kora flashes a smile--a smile of comeraderie, no derision--at the little ones as they seat themselves. Kora has an aura of strength and power, yet her mannerisms and speech are respectful and kind, not quite deferent. As such, she greets you, bowing her head slightly.   "The servant arrives, classy as can be: What will you drink, dear sirs? Please make yourself at ease; our cellars are deep." **** For dinner, she asks for two bottoles of Zachuno, a slightly spicy, bull bodied red wine, aged 10 years.   Before dinner, Kora lets the heroes know why she's invitied them here, and she admits that it was in part an act of intuition. She tries to create a space where stories can flow freely.    
  **** So tell me, where are you from? Tell me a story of your background... I see that your are trained in various aspects of combat, or at least I am told so by the high respects of Drogo my cousin. ****   [**** As for her: "Well, simply put, I was born to a wealthy family in Jack City, born to wealth among the Spires. I was born to the best education, best training, and best environs of anyone in the west. //. I studied as a scholar originally, learning the ways of merchantry when I came of age. I confess, I enjoy this life, at sea or on land. I have much to be thankful for, and I try to enjoy it as I can.   I am what you might call a "Trust Fund Baby." When my parents were murdered, all this [gesture] was left to me. I just thank goodness that I was prepared to take on the responsibility. It gets lonely sometimes, to be honest, but it is a good life after all.   Ironically, it can be stressful to be among the most well-off families on the Aligorian continent. It can be truly isolating, perhaps a bit lonely. I have my close business associates, and my protection... But that's enough about me... ****]    
  Kora offers a standing toast. Her toast is simply, "Sardachi, my friends, Zeli Sardachi" -- Aligorian common (wester Tessinae) for "In spite of death, my friends, Always in spite of Death.")   Dinner conversation focuses on aspirations, what heroes plan to do moving forward, where they seek to grow. For her, she says she hopes to someday have time off from business, to venture across the continent and see the elves of Djinn. (Nod to Gobbleguuk)... Also, "vocations"--what do you consider your own vocation? How might it change?   A bell signals the first course: A soup of oxtail and pepper   Second course: Spinach salad with sweet Barchosi nuts from Narra   Third Course: Wild Kine steaks with Red potatoes from the very garden of Desranti Here the rich wine is poured for all, Zachuno: spicy Tovven red    
To the Lounge:
  Fourth course: Dessert: Groggincubbin Ice (coffee ice cream)--an incredibly rare treat   Groggincubby served with dessert, or a port from south Tovven   Talk first about Trade and Vocation, and Background   Then To FAREWELL below:   If Kora sees that the party is un-trustworthy for whatever reason, she'll give them a chance, but have them murdered at breakfast tomorrow.
  "The Dersanti trade is mainly in Dwarven gold, and some gemstones. The Dwarves drive steep bargains, but the gold they mine in Southeast Brohd Zellor--pure, right out of the mountain, is choice--among the choicest in the west. Of higher purity even than the stuff coming out of the Burrants, and more responsibly traded. [nods sympathetically to Baerbee] Tellaran crafters pay especially high for such raw stuff. They craft wondrous items from it, and we pocket the coin. It really is almost as simply as that...   [Here note that Kora is playing to Baerbee's doubts. Truly, much of their gold comes from the Burrant.]   We do take losses when pirates raid our ships, or raid the Dwarven ships from Brohd Zellor, as in the case at hand. [waves out to sea]. Honestly it screw us over pretty bad. But isn't this just the way of merchantry and trade? She smiles and gestures for more wine.   The show must go on in any case. We try not to hurt anyone, but business is business, and accidents happen. I'll not pretend we're a perfect organization in that sense.   But speaking of vocations, what are yours? Drogo told me about your prowess in battle, but what else? What drives you?    
  "When I was a little girl, maybe 7 years old, I was playing tag in the garden with my Nanny-Bosa, I was laughing and racing about the perfect freedom of children, without the slightest care or worry, when I stumbled over something in the path.   I stopped and did a double take; I looke down in shock; it was a Dead Cat... I picked it up delicately and ran to find Bosa so she could bring it back to life. Why not? I even gathered my collection of crowns to pay for it. After all what cannot be bought in this world?   Of course my little cat was dead for good. No amount of riches could buy her back. Even GOLD, my friends.   So from there, I decided to put my resources into things that money COULD buy. It is not lost on me that none of these things can really last. I know what we're doing here. I have no delusions of grandeur; it is all what it is, be that good or bad, or otherwise.   2.0.1: Next Options from Kora Destranti    
Thank you for sharing your evening with me, good adventurers. You all have a nobility about you, each in his way. I understand this turn of events was not to your expectations, but I hope to make it up to you. Please meet me tomorrow morning, at your leisure. After all, I have business to discuss with you. We will make land by early afternoon, but let us break fast to start the day.

Burgga Kreff
  Next Morning: @2.   The Darsantis are one of the groups that have latched on to the project of the Total Occultist Future, of the great god Bunggo, have seen the truth in some of their predictions, and have hired her specifically to help locate "talent."   Burgga Kreff may appear if Kora needs encouragement in convincing the PC's to join in.   Saved by the Darsantis 1:2,.Odd Pary, Act 1, Scene 2: Meeting People  
NOTE: IF Kora feels the PC's are unreliable,
that they cannot be trusted to do the work at hand, then she will have them murdered that night. She is an incredibly good judge of character. The Odd Party cannot escape with knowledge that they might use against the Desrantis' interest. There will be spies placed here and there, and reports made, and perhaps Burgga Kreff can help too. She has worked with the Darsantis before.       Creatures / Stat Blocks for Act 2.0 KORA DARSANTI (MAFIOSA) KORA'S GUARD (MAFIA GUARD) CREW OF THE DRAGON CAPTAIN OF THE DRAGON KORA'S KITCHEN AND SERVERS
Stat Blocks Mafiosa: Dobo Desranti
--no stat block yet... Go with thug, except very intelligent and a few spells Four Ogres: Slop, Stokk, Blopp, Stikk ("Ogre Warrior" w/o weapons, jusg fist)
Six half-orc captives (as orc brute, "rank and file"--but no weapons)


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