The Eastern Way through Tovvens Plot in Little Dream | World Anvil
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The Eastern Way through Tovvens

(Tovvens is located just above Tellarus and Jack City, and the Eastroad runs north through eastern Tovvens, in the general direction of the Greyleaf Forest, but then getting rough and veering north through the Brohds. Just after this veering is the Ocuppied Hill Chateau of Drakka-Mentarro (once the "Gotari".)   Signs of kobolds all over the little village here.
  2.1.3... The Chateau: Kobold Queen Assassination
The journey to the chateau is 180 miles.

Several Chateaus along the way, the last one before Drakka-Mentarro is abandoned and looks as though its been occupied. This will take 7.5 days of good travel, maybe 8.5 with the hills.    
The Journey: A maintained road winds
its way over gentle hills and bucolic orchards, vineyards, and pens of peaceful livestock. The sky is cloudy a persistent cold drizzle seeps into the bones.
. You pass flocks of sheep chewing their grass lazily and watch you go by as if only mildly interested. The shepherds, up the higher hills to the west, are more wary. Some stand up with a kind of defiance, some sit in their place looking scared and mean.   A mild, gentle rivers flow now and then from the higher land to the east, with names like the Highhart, the Rainflow, and the Tessin. Each has a functional bridge.   Every 10 miles or so there is a small village of some kind, either on the road or off it to the West. Very few of the residents do other than hide in their doorways and watch you pass through, but there are a few more bold residents who step forward (perhaps hands on the pommel of their short swords) and greet you, warily. There is little trust in their eyes. [pending perception DC20] Four archers perch atop the two buildings along the road at the entrance to the village.  


  • Gohari
Known for orchards and for rich red wines. People are a little more curious here. The Luscious Pear is the main watering hole here. A little road up the land to the East leads to an old settlement where there are goblins living, sometimes coming down to rob travelers or farmers.  
  • Tenaree
The Ten Apples is a pub here, featuring the local cider, which is distilled almost to a whisky. The Seven Bears has seven taxidermed bear heads, rougher clienel. Everyone has an explanation for the bear heads, different stories. Tenaree has a decent store for weapons and armor, and a road heading East up into the hills. (Where the bears come from, before they went extinct.)  
  • Lemstabelsa
A sub-ancestry of the Tessinae live here, with green or blue eyes, most unsettling. They are curious people, but shy. They'll iisten to stories but keep their distance. Skilled apothecaries. Recently a wizard has purchased the lowlands from the townspeople. See a one shot: One Shot:The Wizard on the Moor    
  • Rionti (see below)
  A livestock trading town, notably selling the Wester Jarbing, "the finest horse in the world." Also farmers come here to buy and sell livestock, and also to purchase vegetables and fruits.  
  • Trego (last before Dentakkra)
Chateau and village, deserted. See below.  
  • Chateau Sasbanta (occupied by the kobolds and Dentakkra)... See below.
  TREGO: At one point you come over a rise to see a tall and sturdy chateau, maybe two miles ahead. Over the next rise, it is closer, and you see now a small village surrounding it. There are people--mostly human--moving about the village, carrying on life as usual, rolling hills and vineyards sprawl generously across the hillsides surrounding.   RIONTI: Second to last village before Chateau Dentakkra:
Chateau Rionti
  As you get closer, you are spotted and it looks as though the residents are emptying the streets quickly to defensive positions, many of them disappearing into the gate of the chateau.   Approaching still closer, you see arrow slits above, you see knocked arrows ready to release.   These people, mostly human but some wood elves from the Greyleaf (there for trading, and meeting to discuss happenings). With a successful charm, the locals will let them in and parley. Two more until the Ocuppied Hill Chateau of Drakka-Mentarro.    
Last Village before: Occupied Chateua: Trego
The village is quiet, no one to be seen. A strange and eerie thing. You are at the top of a rise, gazing out over livestock lands, with no livestock to be seen for miles. The village looks almost as good as new, except for the lack of population. There is a smaller chateau in the center of town, and it too seems completly void of life. The quiet here is eerie. [People have abandoned the city and gone west.]

The scene is unnaturally quiet the closer you get. The few houses along the road have broken or burnt foundations, there material scattered around. Someone or something has laid destruction to this area.   [Through this section of the journey, will be watched by kobold spies, at night especially. They know how to hide in this landscape, among the vineyards]. If not caught, they will deliver the message to the queen and her people.      
Chateau Sasbanta
  The smell of smoke reaches our heroes about a mile away, very faint.  
  • You arrive at the top of a modest rise in the road, and immediately you see the source of the smoke. There is a town at the top of the next hill, and smoke rises from several fires, drifting gently eastward withthe wind. The several buildings are burning.
  • A large chateau, standing in its grey limestone masonry, rises from the very top of the hill. It looks as though the stones of the chateau have seen some wear; in places they have even crumbled. It's hard to see more from this distance, but the place looks unkempt.
  [The party will be seen or not, depending on their stealth, but kobold eyes will be watching. The kobolds will be bold enough to raid a camp if they get the opportunity.   Once they get close to the chateau, day or night, they will be watched by keen kobold eyes. At this point, the kobolds will wait until they reach the city to perform an enormous ambush. The stately front doors to the chateau will be locked and bound.]   2.1.3... The Chateau: Kobold Queen Assassination


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