Tovvens, Land of Bounty Geographic Location in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Tovvens, Land of Bounty

Tovvens is a rolling bucolic land of vineyards, cropland, and seemingly unending fields of wheat and barley in its western plateau. Tovvens is uniquely suited to trade with both the lower Brohd Mountains and the Big Cities to the south (those being Jack City and Tellarus.   Rumors have it that extortionist mafia bands are the real ones controlling the goings on in Tovvens. There is no evidence for this except that it would make sense. Indeed, the western hills boast some of the best agricultural land on Summer's Tale, and may hill-crops (especially grapes, for brandy and wine of all kinds) coat the sides of the hills facing the west and the ocean. There are a million factors in the nature of the wines produced, and so it seems to the wine-drinker a million options to choose from. A wealthy person's paradise.   Most of Tovven's business does come from the mafia in the south, and to the wealthy of Tellarus through them.   Many outsiders remark that Tovvens is a wonder, a rich land of vineyards, barley fields, orchards, and elegant-simple architecture.   The top exports from Tovvens include
  • Wines (mostly red), according to region
  • Ales of many kind
  • Brandies and Ports, and (rare) Champaign
  • Apples, Pears, and Peaches
  • Strafe, a caffeinated beverage like coffee, with a licorice flavor
  • Wheat and Barley
  • Adventure Rations (a step above the rest)
  • Salted Meats and Cheeses
  Tovvens Creatures, Humanoids, etc.
  • Kobold and Secretive socities of Kobolds
  • Ants, Giant Ants, Ant Swarms, Br2 cr2 or 5
  • Badger / Giant Badger, B2 cr0 or cr2
  • Brownies (emerged from the first world, usually for mishceivious purposes), B2 cr1
  The Eastern Way through Tovvens


Tovvens is set along a north-south strip that sits deeply east into the continent. There are rolling hills rising from the Lupin Sea, and salt-air and winter rains ride the currents up across the land.   Tovvens' soil, and the perfect seasonal combination of wet and dry, make it the perfect place for many crops. Every hillside, facing every direction, has its own microclimate, and three sides of the same hill may have completely different crops to grow.   The fields of wheat and barley, and the brewers of beer and ale, are further into the land, where crop fields can spread out laterally. Life there is very different, but the farmers still refer to themselves as Tovvenlanders.

Ecosystem Cycles

Along the coast, the seasonal cycle is fairly sharp, with cold winds and rain in the winter, to balmy, sunny, dry summer months.  Further back into the land, the cycle is slower and more temperate.  Summers can even get hot in the sun, and rain comes less (although summer storms are fairly common).

Localized Phenomena

Nearly 50% or more of Tovvens' population deals directly in the growing or processing of agricultural products.  The rest mostly serve that population in some way or another.   Tovvens is thus full of farm-folk, and the countryside has very few cities, if any--large towns at most.  The entire economy runs on the cycles of sewing, growing, and reaping, and sewing again.  There are "busy times" (so-called) and times of relaxation.   Many farmers are particularly adept at some art form or another, especially story-telling and music.  In the dark days, the grey days, people will walk miles to the nearest pub, to drink and hear musicians play.   (It's also true that the musicians themselves will walk that distance to play among others.)


The summers are warmer and sunnier, and the winters are grey and drizzly.  The skies clear out in mid-spring, and the sun becomes more prominent and bright.  In late fall, the rains and drizzle come and stay for five months or so.  There is little in between.   The population is accustomed to the climatic shifts, and the winter has become almost a national holiday of sorts: "The Fireside Times" or "The Cozy Times."

Fauna & Flora

KOBOLDS   Kobolds are a nuisance in the upper latitudes of Tovvens.  Also, there is rumor of a dragon living far to the north, in league somehow with the kobolds.  The dangerous ones, they say, are the Red Kobolds, and these are much more common.   More of a mystery are the "Black Tip" kobolds, who are said to battle against the reds from time to time.   Some northern officials and town-councillors have sought out the Black Tips but have found only scant evidence of their existence.  The former hope that an alliance can be struck (if the Black Tips even really exist) to the advantage of all parties.

Natural Resources

Abundant sun and rain, and good fertile soil, along with a complex and diversified landcape of hillsides and valleys.  These are the factors that give Tovvens an incredible advantage in agriculture, and their harvests so bountiful and excellent.   Their products go mainly to Jack City and Tellarus, with a surprising amount served at the tables of the Mafias of Jack City.   There is however a steady flow of goods that makes it to Tellarus, mostly to be sold in the Lower Merchants' District.  Getting the goods into the city from the north is a bit of a trick; merchants' trains go to the east, then south, to avoid the Gutter and its unpredictability.


The population of Tovvens accellerated in earnest during the years of the Tessina/Elven Tensions, called by today's Tessinae "The Elf War," that continued for almost four-hundred years after year zero of the current calendar.   At the time, the Elven presence was clustered many miles east of the rich Tovven land, in the area in and around the Greyleaf Forest.  Most Tessinae were fronting the area around Tellarus, and populating the Eastlands.   Pacifists of the Tessinae, and many who had positive attachment to the Elven people, moved up and out of the way into the rich land north of (then just burgeoning) Jack City.  Here--once they drove out the kobolds--they could settle in relative peace.   The wealthiest of these people were generous, and they built chateaus sparsely throughout the land, in which they lived and meted out whatever justice and peacekeeping was necessary.  They were generally seen as helpful and generous.   It was then that the farming, gardening, distilling, and animal husbandry (etc.) began to flourish.  The demand for their goods was so strong (and still is) that they are untouched by other nations that rely on their products.   The exception to this are the few kobold nations to the north.  There needs be a constant presence on that end, to ward away the pesky creatures.   At the current time things are much the same as they were over a millenium ago, except that methods of farming etc. have been enhanced by science and magic alike.  The pacifism that first populated the area remains strong today.


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