Black March Organization in Liyet's Worldbuild | World Anvil

Black March

The Black March is a direct-democratic federal entity comprising several different reptilia subspecies and their respective republics. It neighbours the Kekauket Theocracy, the New Draconian Technocracy and the United Terran Federation. It is the second largest country by starmass, with 8 systems, and the most populous country, with a count in excess of 50 billion individuals.

History stuff

It is also one of the co-founders of the IF3 and its single biggest contributor.


As a multi-species federation, the March boasts a rich historical tapestry. <lead into main articles for each of the constituent republics>

Unification of Valorex

Saurian-Black Federation

Admission of the Parseltongue Republic

Initially strained due to espionage claims that were later substantiated with the arrest of <significant person>


Post-Contemporary Era

Lorem Ipsum <Date> Co-founding of the IF3

In 12236, the United Terran Federation ceded responsibility over the Draconian Enlightenment to the Black March. The latter agreed under pretense that the diplomatic experience of the March would assist in the settling civil unrest and hostilities amongst political subfactions upon Arkas. This proved not to be the case upon the outbreak of the Draconian Civil War though the Black March continued the Enlightenment through to its scheduled completion date. In 12252, the destruction of the Black March Delegation Base of Operations in Arkasian orbit would represent the single greatest peacetime loss of life since the March's inception. The destruction of the starbase sparked a citizen-led referenda for a military intervention on Arkas. The initiative proved unsuccessful and March peacekeepers would be withdrawn by 12259. Since the Technocracy's seizure of power in 12271, the Black March has openly flouted IF3 sanctions by continuing to trade with the Technocracy. Referenda complying with IF3 sanctions have been continously overturned by popular vote. In 12275, First Speaker Layna Alder pledged ₰88 billion in response to the Fenrir Bombing.

<Response to teh CFW>


The Black March’s political system is characterised by its direct democracy. Though there are elements of a representative democracy in that the March’s foreign representatives are elected via popular vote. Citizens are only subject to two legal jurisdictions on the federal and planetary (colony) level. Voters are provided instruments to the system electronically via their PEDs, which include the right to submit a referendum. Most referenda are submitted by politicial specialists, celebrities and elected representatives, however the right to propose a citizen-led referendum is available to all voting-age citizens and enshrined in the constitution. Voting occurs frequently, with a record average of 740 votes per capita occuring in 12252.

Referenda are split into two categories of compulsory and non-compulsory ‘popular’ referenda. Compulsory referenda concern either federal or state law. Citizen-led initiatives, effectively petitions, are non-compulsory referenda that are forwarded by one or more members of the general public. Such citizen-led initiatives cover broad topics ranging from the premature termination of an official's tenure to non-urgent civil rights issues (often regarding individual cases). The most well-known citizen-led initiative was the Draconian Civil Intervention Initiative, which was the first citizen-led initiative to advocate for a military response.


The March parliament (Black Assembly) is a tricameral system wherein the lowest house does not consist of elected representatives but rather of the entirety of the country’s population, effectively making it the galaxy’s largest legislature with over 47.9 billion members. The March parliament was formerly unicameral until 12154, when an upper house was instituted for checks and balances due to concerns raised by Parsel’s citizens amidst fears that some popular referenda may prejudice against the Serpent ethnic minority. The High Council upper house is consists of 33 elected individuals and are constitutionally limited only to veto bills if deemed prejudiced. With the country now consisting of tens of billions and exploding in size, the Bureaucratic Assembly middle house was instituted the next year to co-assist the judiciary in ratifying and enforcing the law across a multitude of star systems. The middle house consists of 1054 elected officials whose sole responsibility is to extend successful referenda across Black March space.


The Black Court’s serves as the Black March’s apex court, hearing appeals from the colonial supereme courts. Judges are elected by the general public from a selection of qualified barristers, and serve indefinitely until replaced at the publics behest.

Constituent Colonies

   Full Article: March Colonies and March Constituent Republics

The Black March consists of <number> colonies, subdivided into <number> Republics.

Foreign Relations

<Initial Outset with the UTF> <Eldership then Technocracy> <Co-founding the IF3>



Extensive attacks on cyber infrastructure has made the Black March cyberwarfare peerless. Vote on referenda, through an application downloaded onto their devices. Dependence on such electronic voting has necessitated the creation of an extensive cybersecurity network paired with extreme load-bearing electronic systems.



Science and Technology



Ethnic Groups

The Black March primarily consists of 3 sub-specie ethnic groups that were integrated through the <pact name>





Health care in the Black March is administered by the Health Department. The Black March has a universal health care system called the Universal Health Care Scheme (UHCS), and has historically spent 8%-12% of its total GDP on healthcare. Foreigners are only partially covered by the scheme but can purchase private health insurance to cover the difference.

The Black March has a life expectency of 94.64, the highest in the known galaxy. The leading cause of death in the Black march are interspecies STDs at 6.4%, which is also widely considered a serious social issue. The second most cause is cancer at 6.3%, followed by parasitic infections at 5.8%. However, the Black March has the lowest rates of child mortality (2.4 per 1000 live births) at as well as the lowest rates of obesity.


<Aware of their previous mistakes, the Panspermians created the amalgamation of reptilian-like species more mammalian than reptile. This proved a poor decision, as a combination of long gestation periods and shorter lifespans as a result of faster metabolisms resulted in a population that would frequently stagnate. This resulted in the birth of a overtly sexual culture, which perpetuated throughout history in order to preserve and ensure the population growth of the species. This appears to most others as rather garish>


As a culture that has historically considered to be at the forefront of free thought, it is no surprise that the Black March’s post-contemporary zeitgeist reflects this line of thinking. Reptilia architecture is strongly leans on the avant-garde, and typically described as outlandish, even by the standards of the March’s own citizens.


Highly varied by most notably strongly features a fusions between the different reptilia subcultures.


Well known for romantic writings. One such famous author is Evelyn Quill


Grass surfing ('Turfing' as it is popularly called in Common), popularized by Dinosauria. Rockclimbing and hangglidng are also popular activities owing the significant Karst outcrops on Valorex. Regularly participates in football with UTF.

Contrary to popular belief, personal spacecraft ownership is actually uncommon, and thus space-racing is not as popular as one would suggest.

"How far we've come."

The Black March

      Flag                                   National Emblem


Hydra's Head

Official Language

Ethnic Groups
98.1% Reptilia (Lacerta Sapiens)

 ┕ 30.51% Lizard

 ┕ 29.59% Dinosaur

 ┕ 21.29% Serpent

 ┕ 13.89%

 ┕ 4.63% Turtle

 ┕ 0.09% Not

0.5% Dragon
(Draco Sapiens)

0.5% Amphibia
(Rana Sapiens)

0.4% Human
(Homo Sapiens)

0.5% Other

(12276 Estimate)
73.0% No Religion
13.7% Great Karst
12.6% Aphrodite-Androgyne
0.4% Tau Principlist
0.3% Other


Federal direct democratic republic

  • First Speaker
  • Layna Alder
  • Black Republic Speaker
  • Eliza Grünza

  • Saurian League Speaker
  • Kabren Ofal

  • Parseltongue Republic Speaker
  • Caliban West

Black Assembly

  • Upper House
  • High Council
  • Center House
  • Bureaucratic Assembly
  • Lower House
  • The People's Council

  • Valorex Unification
  • 11901
  • Saurian-Black Federation
  • 12056

  • Admission of the Parseltongue Republic
  • 12154

  • Black March Democratic Reforms
  • 12198

Stars Controlled


  • Census (12275)
  • 50,550,000,000
  • Estimate (12276)
  • 50,600,000,000

12276 estimate

  • Total
  • ₰94,996 quintillion
  • Per Capita
  • ₰270,013
  • Total
  • M̱126.683 quintillion
  • Per Capita
  • M̱306,179.55

Development Index

Black Mark (₰) (BMK)