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All images by Nightcafe

In the third era of Llagnyn, the era of The Split, the heinous tree Stablewood kept in balance the three worlds, Growth, where evolution and innovation were rapid and everyday; Stability, where the people and the land were averse to change; and Decay, where the people crumbled as fast as the land. It did so by constantly drinking of their growth and decay energy, taking away decay from Growth, growth from Decay, and both from Stability. So it was that when the scientists of Growth discovered their sister dimensions, they required protection from Stablewood's apetite for their own growth when visiting their neighbors. This led to the conclusion to recieve protection from the danger itself: by using Stablewood's own leaves.  

Bloodred Leaves

In experiments on Stablewood's leaves, intersting properties were discovered. When an object from Growth was put to its stem, it would drink in the growth energy, and increase its size proportionally. Similarly, giving the leaf the decay energy of an object from Decay would cause parts of it to withdraw in on itself. Through careful manipulation of these properties, the researchers at Nexus were able to create a thick shell completely covering the Nexus structure.

Unintended Meal

Unbeknownst to the workers of Nexus, the stableleaves ate additional decay energy during trips to Decay. This caused the shell around Nexus to shrivel and retract, leading to its inhabitants' vulnurability to Stablewood's appetite for growth. The imbalance of energies caused led to the widespread disease known as Nexus Sickness. During Nexus Health's research into cures, it was posed to try using Stableleaves to extract the decay energy from patients, but it extracted growth and decay energy equally, causing patients to become stabilized, but not be able to return to their full growth capacity of earlier.


Material Characteristics

Of a leafy texture, but with size and shape varying based on energy consumption.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Consumes growth and decay energy, then grows or retracts respectively in proportion with the amount consumed.

Written for Summer Camp 2024
Prompt: A material that is resistant to decay (material)
Related Species

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