Followers of Enlil Organization in Locbroalm | World Anvil

Followers of Enlil

A religion based on the God of Winds Enlil. This religion is primarily seen in Shirdal.

Mythology & Lore

In the spring of 1200, the only priest of Enlil, Pavo Astrid, operating in Gryerlth decided to take advantage of the fact that the Mad King of Gryerlth was away. He gathered followers of Enlil and took them east and created the country of Shirdal in the name of Enlil.   Due to its small size, Pavo Astrid acted as both the King of Shirdal and the High Priest of Enlil. Pavo sent his 3 most trusted and loyal priests; Samuel Buckham, Gabriel Bransen, and Theo Gilford, across the newly formed lands of Shirdal to establish temples of Enlil and help to maintain control of the newly acquired lands. He sent each of them off with the tenants of Enlil and instructions on how to set up their lands. These priests would become 3 of the 5 Noble houses that lead Shirdal.

Divine Origins

Enlil, originally a mortal man named Ezekiel Astrid, is the founder and deity worshiped by the Followers of Enlil. After he helped to assault the heavens, Ezekiel ascended into Godhood and presented himself to the mortal realm where people were quick to follow him due to his calm and level headed nature.

Tenets of Faith

  • Just as the wind, we must know when to be calm and gentle and when to be a powerful force to be reckoned with.
  • Like the wind carries the seeds of life across the land, we must to help carry life on with healing and protection
  • If people wish to go against us we must blow through them, just as the wind can blow over anything that stands against Enlil’s wishes
  • Always be ready to change for Enlil, just as the winds change every day


Due to the fact that the hawk has become synonymous with Enlil, followers of Enlil typically can be seen wearing symbols of a hawk's talon or if they are able to hawks feathers. As a sign of worship to Enlil, followers typically hold an arm straight out in a fist and then bend their elbow in until it is parallel with their chest.


The followers of Enlil have one Chief Priest that is appointed by the current King of Shirdal. The King choices one of the High Priests to promote to this position. Each temple has its own High Priest that oversees the day to day operations along with other priests and clerics that do the bidding of the High Priest.   The Golden Griffin's are typically also followers of Enlil, though not required, and known as his greatest knights and warriors who take up the cause to protect the King. A smaller order of knights known as the Knights of Enlil operate within the Shirdal National Military.

Granted Divine Powers

Powers granted by Enlil typically tend to be ones that are healing or wind based, however it is said that Enlil will grant a follower any power that is necessary for them to carry out his blessings.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Kings of Shirdal have still maintained commitment to Enlil, however due to the neutral nature of the teachings of Enlil it has been heavily questioned as to if his teachings and tenants are being correctly followed. Each King and Noble has done things in the name of Enlil, however not everything done in his name has come across right or just.   Though 4 of the 5 Noble houses were original all priests of Enlil, many of the current Noble houses have let their worship of Enlil fall to the wayside and none of the heads of the houses are currently priests of Enlil. It is said that the blood of Enlil still runs through some of the Noble families however, especially the Astrid and Marshlyn families.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members


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