Wulf Margraves

Wulf Margraves


  Born in 3682, he apprenticed with the local blacksmith. Before long, it was clear that he was a prodigy. Recognizing this, the Master of the Forge took him directly under his wing. By the time he was in his mid-twenties his skill and knowledge had surpassed that of his teachers. With his apprenticeship finally done, the Master of the Forge recommended him to the Queen's Forge, suggesting that he would one day make a great Master of the Forge himself.
  While working in the Queen's Forge, Wulf met a woman and fell in love. They married and had a child: Serene. And only a year later, his beloved fell ill and died. It wasn't long before in his mourning, he received a summons for the future Queen, Princess Lokyria's(at the time) harem.  Knowing that he could not refuse, and that Serene's existence was now in danger. He went back to his humble roots, finding an old friend and her husband. He begged them to keep Serene safe. The wife, having longed to have children of her, but unable to, fell in love immediately. As a way to further persuade the husband, he retold a story from two hundred years prior, in which the existence of a half-sister to the princess started a civil war. By the end, both the father and daughter were put to death and a new law passed that the men in the harem could not have previous children. Unsure if they would simply kill his precious baby, he had to ensure that she was well-cared for. 
  At first, Queen Lokyria paid Wulf no attention, finding his fiery curls and warm attitude to be off-putting. But as time went on, she found that of the men in her harem, he was the one she trusted the most. He was the one who gave back to the kingdom the most, while some of the men had skills, most were self-centered and vain.  After several weeks of travel, with Wulf at her side, she found that she had fallen in love with him, and he had fallen in love with her. 
  After a few years, Lokyria chose to have a second child, one with Wulf, and Valha deMyr was born. Wulf crooned over the baby, he was the epitome of the good father. Lokyria never worried when Valha would disappear, for she knew exactly where her little red-head had gone, and the soot on her shoes and dresses confirmed that she had gone out to see her father.
  After the Coup
  Wulf have been imprisoned, shacked to the Forge. As the Forgemaster, he would lead those beneath him in silent protest.  His wife and daughters were dead, so there was little else for him. Valkyria, enraged at his disobedience, brands him with Pytnigar's mark on his chest.
  He is aided by one of Serene's friends(unnamed). Once free from the capital city, he cut the brand from his chest.
  Xaena came to him, healed his scars and left her own mark on his chest instead. Told him that his daughters needed him and he agreed to go wherever he had to to find them. Xaena took him to Locfaion.
  He spent the following three years searching for his children in Locfaion. But neither of them had arrived yet.  
  Eventually, he came across a nobleman who worshipped Pyntigar. In rightous anger he slayed the nobleman and his followers. Injured and exhausted, he found that the nobleman's son was waiting for him upon return, and when hearing what had happened to his father had Wulf arrested and sent to die in Ironlake Prison.
  Wulf spent eleven years in Ironlake, and in the last six months he met, and made friends with Chymeron "Altos" Alros, Draegan Alros's identical twin brother.   In secret he used the gifts Xaena had given him to forge magical weapons and armor, before deciding that he, for some reason, didn't feel like he needed them to escape anymore. He and the guard Irian hatched a plan to get him out. 
  Once free from Ironlake, he decided to go to Dyrsang, as he had already traversed all of Efeon and had not found his daughters. He still hung onto hope that Xaena was right, that they were here and they would need his help. 
  In Glimminghaben
  Once in the large city-state of Glimminghaben he found a wizard who would help him remove his anti-magic collar. Natyis, the owner of The Horned One, a magic item shop in Mistcliff district of Glimminghaben, made a deal with him. She would find an enchantment to remove the collar, but he would have to work to pay off his debt. 
  He was shocked to received a letter from Valha with vague details of things, including that they had been to Ironlake and found his items. And he was pleased to know they had come in handy for the group. He was also happy to find that, even though she hadn't written, Serene was okay as well, and with Valha.
  Natyis tasked him with a job that would take him to Durmchapel, the night before the Agents of the Clasped Dagger came to Glimminghaben. And though he didn't want to miss the opportunity to see his daughters, he was also a man to fulfill his end of the bargain. And so, as the last task for Natyis, he headed off, knowing he would miss the  women's arrival.
  He is a strong presence in the room and he knows that people look at him with envy and lust. Though, he doesn't act like he does. He finds amusement when others are nervous around him for this reason, but doesn't tease anyone. He has a kind heart and given the chance would dote on his children. He is confident in his skills and his choices. He values his loyalty to Xaena more everyday, especially now that she has somehow brought his daughters back to him, fulfilling her promise.  He is a faithful man, and though her believes strongly in Xaena's teachings isn't likely to push them onto unwilling people. He still misses Lokyria, even though it's already been 14 years since her death, it had left a hole in his heart that he never quite recovered from totally.


Lokyria deMyr

spouse (Vital)

Towards Wulf Margraves



Wulf Margraves

spouse (Vital)

Towards Lokyria deMyr




Wulf began as a member Lokyria's royal harem, but as time went on, she saw him more as an individual and confidant. Eventually, this trust turned to love and they had Valha as a result.

Lokyria deMyr (spouse)