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Home Sweet Home

General Summary

The party survives an encounter with a deadly marksman and a robot assassin, (Doyle barely escaping with his life) due to the strange gray-white specs slowly vaporizing the two foes. As Doyle rises from the water after the fight with the incapacitated frost trolls, the others take note of his darkened black hair and ghostly pale skin. Cormac and Doyle have a contest of wills through which the blade forces Doyle to accidentally attack Rastos. They return wordlessly, having definitely had gay sex.   Meanwhile, Ro-gin, Torren, and Max study the magical and nonmagical Sylvan runes inscribed onto the walls of Ro-gin's childhood home. The nonmagical runes appear to have been written by Ro-gin's father, whereas the magical runes appear to have been written long ago, and set on a timer to merge into this world from the Feywild, apparently creating a speculum, or section of mirrored planar convergence. Only Ro-gin is able to pass through the doorway, which results in him spending "an hour" (7 hours) in the Feywild talking to Artie and translating a cryptic Sylvan map from this small Feywild room relating in some way to the Feydark, as well as runes for a teleportation sigil.   While Ro-gin is busy, the others supervise Max's opening of The Codex of Infinite Planes once more, causing eruptions of necrotic waves to blast forth from the book with each turn of a page. Upon turning toward the sixth page, Max dies instantly, as this page was the tenth from the book that he had opened, but Rastos is able to quickly revive him. They briefly speculate about nexus events, and spatial and chronal convergences of the planar system as they relate to the solstice that occurred on the previous day before taking a long rest late into the next day.   Max quickly ushers the party awake after overhearing the distant approach of the two assassins once more, claiming that they have been directed to wait for the inevitable arrival of the party at sunset... which happened the day before. As they hastily scramble to figure out a plan, the party attempts to hide in the cave... and waits... and waits. During this time, Torren realizes a possible clue that could lead the party to Seneca, and reattunes to the Chaos Diamond with the hopes of using its Word of Recall ability.   However, as Rastos and Doyle peer out of the mouth of the cave to check if the coast is clear once more, a familiar bang and flash follow, with Rastos being blown backward by another massively damaging sniper shot from the marksman, lying in wait in the distance, with Wendell yet to be seen. Join us next session, as the surprise round continues, Torren finishes his attunement, and the party rolls for initiative in what is sure to be a devastating combat!

Character(s) interacted with

Half-orc marksman, warforged monk
Elemental Chaos Campaign
Report Date
03 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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