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The Devils may have carved their influence into Loom, but they never got to the moon. Reason enough for the Gold Dragon Gould and his Councilor Leonus Justus to establish their new lair in orbit around the world they swore to protect. Thanks to a magical climate anomaly there is an atmosphere there, water and flora, the Pallid Groves, but because travel required teleportation they could hand-select those worthy to live among them in their Dominion.   Banks of beautiful, opalescent mist manifest around the city. The mist doesn’t obscure anything. It only assumes haunting forms when evil creatures are near. Should you move beyond the city, and the safe atmosphere, you'll see small runes in the shape of Gould marking a subtle trail leading back to safety. At night, the Gold Dragon can establish telepathic contact with any sleeping or entranced intelligent creature. He jaunts through dreams and shares in conversation, all of which locals remember upon waking.

It's Not About the Money

Gould enjoys gifts but finds attempts to hire or bribe him deeply offensive. He doesn't ask for gold, gems, and pearls to purchase his affections and avoid the expenses of everyday life. His preferred diet just happens to consist of pearls and gems, which sparkle and gleam so long as they are in his territory. Thankfully, the Gold Dragon doesn’t need to gorge himself on such wealth to feel satisfied.   It is worth mentioning that all Paladins have access to free housing and travel to and from Dominion.


Due to Gould's emanation of justice, anyone who spends at least a year in Dominion values fairness and justice over their personal feelings. Visitors might find dominants cold and dispassionate, but such is the price of perspective. Few creatures enjoy confronting the relative smallness of their lives, although by that same token locals know that on a long enough timescale, all actions are meaningless. So why should they deny themselves anything?   Living on the moon allows dominants to believe they are above it all. To them, the future is writ large in the patterns of history. They enjoy conversing with others who think critically about history and society. Dominants think of themselves as stewards of history, lighting the way and acting strategically to tip the ultimate balance toward justice and virtue. Some believe beings down below lack their wisdom and must be controlled to prevent wrongdoing. Others say they cannot right every wrong. They can only encourage others to solve their own problems, and save their strength for tribulations only they can address.  
  And yet, Dominants are generally averse to traveling beyond their borders. They prefer to remain aloof and self-reliant. If someone lacks the motivation to overcome their barriers, then their matter is unworthy of attention.


The earliest Dominants were elves. To Gould, shorter-lived species often have difficulty perceiving the full scope of time’s tapestry and lack the patience for his appropriately thorough explanations. Those elves that lived among the Pallid Groves quickly evolved into the Pallid Elf subrace.


Dominion has founded an objective and forward-thinking government in conjunction with the Paladins. This system has been accused of moving too slowly, as righteous action requires carefully weighing potential consequences to ensure the cure is not worse than the disease. Nobody can accuse them of corruption however; they remain impartial in their judgments and refuse to let personal feelings get in the way of what’s fair or necessary


Any being attempting to tell a deliberate lie within Dominion must succeed on a Charisma save  or find itself accidentally revealing the truth it was attempting to conceal. Should anyone get violent, security will attempt to parley before combat as ordered. If villains can be reformed without violence, all the better. Much of Dominion security are reformed criminals.


The High Paladin Court operates out of Dominion. This is where the Paladin Oaths are taken, where partners are assigned, and where beings are put on trial for wishing upon devils.

Points of interest

Waterfall Park. A rushing river cascades over a cliff in a scintillating waterfall. Past this thundering curtain, a cave open to the public. Pavilions climb the cliffs overlooking the waterfall's plunge pool, offering a convenient place for people to meet. Beyond the pavilions, an elegant pathway winds through self-manicuring gardens   Grand Concourse. Glowing crystalline columns line the street. The columns’ colors reflect the dragon’s mood, and they can animate to defend the city.   Sleeping Chamber. Gould sleeps at the end of the gallery passage, his sleeping chamber walls lined with shelves holding books and useful magic items.   Food Pantry. To feed those who can't feed themselves.


Take a walk by the rushing river cascades, a scintillating waterfall, and travel down the grand thoroughfare where glowing crystalline columns reflect the dragon’s colorful mood, and they can animate to defend the city. Finally, find the Gallery, lined with busts of allies and enemies from Gould's past. This public space contains the water mirror, a magical glass case filled by seepage from a river down on Loom, which the dragon uses to scry across both distance and time.   Other memorable art items include:
  • A fine tapestry depicting the intermingled family trees of several gold dragonborn bloodlines going back multiple generations—and containing surprising revelations
  • An orrery showing the world’s place in the solar system—with one gemstone planet too many
  • A scroll covered with surrealist imagery entitled Voyage through the Land of Dreams
  • A black dragonborn skull with a crack running down the middle and gems fixed in its eye sockets; a plaque along the bottom reads, “So too shall ye be”
  • A metal wheel with various holy symbols affixed to its edges; thin arms at the center of the wheel are made to hold a spherical object that is missing
  • A series of nesting metal cylinders, each inscribed with a different proverb or paradox; the central cylinder contains a single gold dragon scale
  • An elaborate atlas bound in wyvern hide, with several remote regions circled and labeled in code
  • A clever clockwork music box that, when cranked, recites a prophecy in Modron
  • An elaborately decorated tea set, each of its cups themed after a different plane of existence
  • An elaborate calendar clock with one face burned and cracked and two others that are counting down to unspecified future events, including one less than a month away
Orbital, Station
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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