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The Silver Dragon Seolfor always had high expectations for those she chose to trust, and after the old world ended those expectations only became more stringent. She moved her lair to the tallest peak on Loom, where a gravity anomaly causes pieces of the mountain face to crack apart but float nearby. If survivors truly deserved to live on her land they would survive the journey there. Those who did found Memento, the city Seolfor built for them.   Given days or longer to work, Seolfor can make clouds and fog as solid as stone, forming structures and other objects as she wishes. This is what the bridges, streets, and buildings in Memento are made out of. She can control the weather too, and likes to give her people only the best of every season. Pleasant springs, sunny summers, and crisp autumns. Perfect snowfalls that always melt away at the right time. If anybody falls off, winds buoy non-evil creatures that fall due to no act of the dragon’s or its allies. Such creatures descend at a rate of 60 feet per round and take no falling damage.

The Real Treasure is the Friends We Make Along the Way

More than anything else, Seolfor covets keepsakes from the people she interacts with. Whether these are sentimental gifts worthless to anyone except their recipient or medals from a grateful monarch, the silver dragon wants them all. instead of rent, Seolfor accepts eclectic payments brimming with trinkets and equipment from individual's own travels: from epaulets to hats, weapons to hunting horns, and even entire longships preserved with magic. She also maintains a collection of portraits she's had commissioned over centuries to chronicle the ongoing changes in the art world. If she asks for a portrait of you or by you, know that these portraits are some of Seolfor's most prized possessions.   In truth, for Seolfor her treasure is the people of the city—She's spent centuries watching over them, and they belong to her.


Mementomen are all about camaraderie. They believe they're surrounded by a malignant and unfeeling cosmos and, ultimately, all they have is each other. It's a peaceful place. In memento they don't understand why anyone would fight when they could talk instead and build on this ecosystem of wonderous cultures and fascinating traditions. Seolfor certainly likes coming up with new disguises to use among the small folk. Many have discovered midway through a day with a new friend that they've been speaking with her all along. For this reason everyone treats each other with the utmost respect. Showing Seolfor your darker impulses is a ticket right out of town.  
  Memento is not, however, too reserved of a place. Mementomen savor the world and consume its myriad delights with appropriate gratitude. All the world's a stage, and it is both your purpose and your pleasure to give an excellent performance.


Seolfor acts as a ceremonial monarch to a civilian ministry of elected officials. She believes her people will do great things—but need some subtle support.


Mementomen often find violence uncouth and attempt to avoid its use. They, therefore, use nonviolent magic defensive systems to protect their city.

Industry & Trade

There's an excellent restaurant scene. Locals live to eat all the delightful foods people concoct.


Cloud bridges connecting gloating motes of earth.


Memento has an excellent education system. Seolfor believes she owes the short-lived mortals she becomes friends with the responsibility of watching over their progeny.

Points of interest

Antechamber. The antechamber was once an ancient throne room or mountain shrine, but time has eroded any clues as to its original builders. Its walls are hung with velvet tapestries featuring heroic figures performing a variety of glorious acts.   Open Court. An enormous expanse of smooth stone ringed with broken pillars, where the silver dragon hosts visitors in grand style. Though this court is often surrounded by clouds, the dragon can clear them away with a moment’s thought, revealing a breathtaking view of the surrounding region.   Majestic Temple. A grand domed temple set with a plethora of comfortable furnishings. Here and there, souvenirs from the silver dragon’s long life are positioned with great care.


Visit Seolfor's Majestic Temple and see:
  • A group portrait of nobles set in a faded mahogany frame, one corner of which is etched with signatures
  • An ancient shortsword with a pommel in the shape of a goblin’s face, its blade notched with heavy use
  • The shattered helm of a dwarf monarch, mended with brazed gold
  • A full suit of ancient armor, its breastplate scrimshawed with draconic faces
  • A pearl-handled switchblade, its blade eaten away by saltwater and its handle emblazoned with a crest
  • An elaborate elven crown made to resemble a dragon’s head
  • A triptych of tapestries depicting the end of a war, the restoration work that followed, and the sunset flight of the silver dragon leaving the renewed realm
  • A cape studded with gemstones and featuring epaulets of egret feathers, set on the shoulders of a battered tailor’s mannequin
  • A dramatic portrait of a human noble rendered mostly as shadow and glinting light that reveals the dragon-shaped pendant the figure wears
  • A series of detailed obsidian sculptures depicting a human transitioning from childhood to old age
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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