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No Safe Haven



Daryl, Danger, Indigo, and Mirian lead a slave revolution in the Hobogoblin Capital so they can break into the Library of the Gods during the chaos

The party emerges into the middle of a river of fecal matter where they see slaves of the hobgoblins scouring through the shit for items of interest. The party attempts to sneak their way up a hill to get a better view, but are discovered by some of the hobgoblin slavers. Danger convinces them through a lengthy intimidating speech that he is bringing slaves for punishment and he's never appreciated for it. They reach the top of the hill where they see two watchtowers nearby, across the shit river, two more before a warlord’s keep, slave barracks, two catapults, and towering above it all, built into a naturally occurring mesa, The Library of the Gods.   The party sneaks over to the two nearby watchtowers and simultaneously silently assassinates the guards manning the stations. Waiting for nightfall, they take a long rest inside the towers. Upon nightfall, they sneak onto the ground and make their way toward one of the slave barracks where they attempt to persuade the slaves to join their cause. Just then, two guards enter the barracks to punish them for making too much noise. First Danger takes hold of both their heads, then Daryl and Mirian, and finally Indigo all move together, and with herculean effort, to slam these two guards’ heads together. They fall, knocked unconscious.   With the guards defeated, Danger rises up and makes an inspiring speech to the slaves, managing to rally most to their cause. More guards led by a Hobgoblin Captain come to investigate the barrack. Danger orders his slaves to fight the guards and they manage to kill them and capture the captain. The Captain informs the party that every day at dawn the doors to the library open for a minute. It’s a spectacle in the city, and so the coliseum is built around those doors. The only way for slaves to get close enough unnoticed is if they are marked with red paint to be executed.   Danger intimidates the captain into leading both the party and Danger’s slave army to the general’s tent. There they use some paint to disguise the entire group as slaves to be executed. However, a bugbear lieutenant sees through the ruse and attacks the party. Danger orders his slaves to attack the bugbear and while most of the slaves are slain, they manage to bring it down.   The party and the remaining slaves paint themselves with a red ‘x’ and the captain leads them toward the entryway to the coliseum. The captain attempts to escape but is stopped by the party. The party finds its way down to the coliseum -- but the gates inside are closed. Daryl, along with the gnome slaves, is able to wiggle through the gates and make their way to the balcony holding the levers that open the gates. The main four party members climb up onto the balcony and find a treasure room in the back. It is full of Cerulean’s treasure. The Hobgoblins must have stolen it while she was taking over the Steppes. Somebody walks through the treasure room, the Hobgoblin Warlord, and the party watches him blow a horn to begin their ceremony.   The Hobgoblin Warlord stands overlooking the coliseum. Three Hobgoblin Champions are to fight a Giant Scorpion and each other in a race to be the one to walk through the gate of the Library of the Gods. As the gate begins to open, Danger orders the remaining slaves to attack the Hobgoblin Warlord so that they may run past. The slaves are quickly slain, but not before Mirian, Danger, Indigo, and Daryl are able to jump into the pit of the coliseum and dash their way across the battlefield. Daryl is stung by the Giant Scorpion and falls unconscious.   He sees through Cerulean’s eyes. She flies back to Rainfall and discovers her horde has been stolen. It isn’t just Daryl that can see into her mind, she can see into his as well. She knows the Hobgoblins have her treasure, and she’s coming for it.   Mirian and Danger manage to slay the Giant Scorpion and revive Daryl. Together, the party just makes it inside the Library of the Gods.

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