Blue Star Saffron

This plant is very useful for cooking. It's not used very often, but we have it. It gives a lovely flavour and aroma to the dish.
The blue petals are inedible but, the stems in the center of the flower is what is made into the spice. This particular spice is very expensive because it is pain-stakingly and meticulously hand picked and dried by the locals of ███████. That being said, it is able to be found in the wild, just in the warmer climates of this planet. Therefore, it is not widely known in the colder climates. However, spice trading is becoming more common on this planet and so more places are being introduced to Blue Star Saffron.
Blue Star Saffron by Leashea

Cover image: Bannerrr by Leashea via Midjourney


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Dec 14, 2023 15:15 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I like that it is starting to become more popular. :)