
Oh good, you've found the annotated version of this book. I started this book in my home... world? Universe? Planet? No... Planet makes me sound like an alien instead of a multi-dimensional Library Intern. I guess that I would be an alien to those planets if they knew what I actually looked like at the time I was ther- Look. I wrote this book the first... year-ish of my Internship. When we got here, whenever that was, frankly I'm not sure how long I've even been here. Maybe it's been a century. Maybe I'm supposed to be dead? Point is, time is strange in this place, it could be the Wednesday four weeks before I arrived here for all I know. Anyway, I've annotated this book with my thoughts looking back, and some insightful information I've learned the last little while, maybe it'll be... Oh for. Addi's found the cinnamon donuts again. Addi, if you're reading this: We all know you love cinnamon donuts, it's why they're for special occasions, which does not include finding them.
Hello... Addi and Nihil for sure, and maybe a different Librarian might pick this up. Maybe the folks back home might find it one day, if I can ever get published; with information of the Library removed, of course.   Anyway, hello there. My name is Archibald Montgomery Algernon Quibblewick. My friends and colleagues call me Archie.
I am one third of the newly hired interns at the Lorecast Library, and my task as an intern is to help fill the shelves of certain subjects. Every intern has to help find things for the Library, although I imagine some of us would rather read it than discover it.   The Library is enormous and has books on absolutely everything. Including various mayonnaise recipes.
There was a spill in that section once and we didn't notice for a week, it was awful.
The duty of a Librarian is to continue to look after the Library, discover new knowledge, and add to the collection of books. When we decide to retire... Well, I can't tell you that. Don't misunderstand me, I'd like to tell you, but I can't. I don't know what happens when we retire. According to our Intern Handbook, it's part of the briefing you get as a Librarian.   Okay, so. Collect information on as many worlds as possible. You'd think the library would have been to every single place by now, but I guess not.   One cool thing about gathering information is the neat pen they all gave us. They're all different in their own ways. They allow us to access new information, tells us when something hasn't been documented in the Library and can even act as any art tool we need. With mine, I've decided to make a book about the weird and wonderful plants I come across while using the Atlas. I have broken them down into different categories, the names are self-explanatory because there's no point being weirdly confusing about it, and they're listed under the Table of Contents.   I think that's enough blabbering from me, it's taken nearly the whole page by now.
Time to dedicate this book.

This book is dedicated to:

My parents. I always appreciate the opportunities they gave me, and for encouraging me to apply for this job. This is the best job I've ever had, even if it means only seeing you from the Atlas.

Table of Contents

Medicinal Plants

Bulbous Woundwort

Cover image: Bannerrr by Leashea via Midjourney


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Dec 24, 2023 21:19 by Barron

First off, indeed Addi, do not eat all the donuts. Sharing is caring. I love how this article serves as the introduction. It takes a Table of Contents and makes it an engaging article all it's own. It made me dig deeper, and that's impressive.