Bulbous Woundwort

OW! Goddammit, cut myself on these bloody leaves. Ironic that I now have to use them to make sure the stupid cut doesn't get infected.
This plant has leaves that are razor sharp and have blossoms that are extremely valuable and are used in many things. Locals of █████████ use the flowers that grow on these plants for many things in regards to medical supplies. The flowers of the Bulbous Woundwort can be dried, ground up and used in teas or used in salves as a painkiller. Another useful way to use this particular plant is to boil it with cloth to make sterile bandages and a painkiller in one! The flower can also be eaten raw as a way to releive indigestion. A benefit to having razor sharp leaves, is you can use them as a make-shift needle if you're careful enough.
Bulbous Woundwort by Leashea

Cover image: Bannerrr by Leashea via Midjourney


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Dec 14, 2023 15:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of a sterilised bandage that can also be a painkiller.