Pink Carrot Species in Lorecast Library | World Anvil

Pink Carrot

You'd think that this is just a regular carrot, but you'd be wrong. It's a Pink Carrot.

Genral Appearance and Origin

Pink Carrots are a mutation on the regular carrot. Their appearance and sizes are comparative to the original plant, save for the colour. These carrots range in colour from baby pink to magenta. The original form of this root vegetable, the common orange carrot, has a 1 in 10,000 chance of mutating into one of these highly sought after Pink Carrots. Currently unable to use selective breeding with these crops, this carrot has become extremely sought after by the royals as well as the wealthy. So, if you get one or two in your carrot crops this year, don't panic! Merchants and mages alike will pay well for them just to turn around and sell them to the courts for profit. Do not worry, the amount that the merchants and mages pay you for these carrots is quite considerable.


Taste and Usage

Taste wise, these carrots are generally sweeter and great to use for a pop of colour to any dish. The most famous of these dishes is Rainbow Stew. This stew tends to be a common occurrence in the royal castle and courts of █████. Many mages and alchemists are attempting to find a way to turn these carrots into seeds to improve the chances of getting one or to get a whole crop of Pink Carrots. They have been unsuccessful thus far in their attempts.

In all actuality, it's not hard to spot these when you harvest crops. It's like striking a gold vein in other planets I've visited. This planet just happens to value oddly coloured fruits and vegetables.
Pink Carrot by Leashea and also Theiket (Photoshop)

Cover image: Bannerrr by Leashea via Midjourney


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Dec 10, 2023 19:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I would be very excited to find a pink carrot in my crop of orange carrots. Though I would probably eat it rather than sell it. XD

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet