Snowy Lavender

This plant is like lavender, but coole- I'm sorry that was a terible joke.
When you start to see this plant blooming, you know for certain that winter is on its way. Snowy Lavender smells just like the regular plant and look just like it, save for the crisp cold smell and paler colour. This plant is used in soaps and as an additive to laundry to make it smell better. It is also lovely in teas, tea cakes, candy, baking in general and also food for a cool and clean taste. This plant is also popular to use in dyes for winter clothing, often symbolizing the season itself and the holidays surrounding it.
Placeholder Lamp by Leashea

Cover image: Bannerrr by Leashea via Midjourney


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Dec 31, 2023 22:29 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of lavender with a slightly crisper smell. That sounds heavenly.