Solar Juniper

Appearance and Abilities

Solar Juniper has many similarities to common juniper. The colour of Solar Juniper is so green that its almost black. It has white berries that shine on the plant like stars in the night sky. The berries themselves seem to be solar powered in its effect to give off light. The more sunlight that solar juniper receives, the brighter the berries of the plant glow.


The solar juniper plant in its entirely can be used to make pigments for different paints. The berries can be used to create glow-in-the-dark pigments and are used to paint runes and other things. The leaves can be turned into a dark green pigment. The berries are edible, but it is usually not recommended in anything except for tea and as an aromatic.
Solar Juniper by Leashea

Cover image: Bannerrr by Leashea via Midjourney


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