Princess Clara Character in Lorelle | World Anvil
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Princess Clara

Crown Princess Clara Vancel

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clara, the current crown princess of Lorelle, was born to Queen Cara.  As the firstborn daughter, she did not always pay attention to her youngest sister Vanna, which she would come to regret.  She received an education fitting of the crown princess, and learned from some of the best teachers in Lorelle. Eventually she married <name needed>, a member of the Lorellian Guard.  For a while, all was well. Her sisters seemed to settle down in their places, and she was slowly groomed to become queen. Then catastrophe struck.  Vanna rebelled against Lorelle and the queen, and a war began.  Just before the war, Clara had given birth to a daughter, Nix of Lorelle.  For Nix's safety, and to preserve the bloodline of House Vancel, Clara sent Nix to the surface world.  Soon afterward, the war was won, but not without cost; Clara's husband was killed.  Many years later, Clara sent a message to Nix and started to reintroduce her to Lorelle.


Family Ties

Daughter of Queen Cara. Sister of Vanna. Mother of Nix of Lorelle.


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown Princess of Lorelle
Current Residence
Lorelle Castle
Brown, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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