Vanna Character in Lorelle | World Anvil
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Princess Vanna Vancel

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vanna was born the youngest of the three daughters of Queen Cara. As a consequence, she knew it would be highly unlikely that she would inherit the throne. Her sister Clara was taught statecraft and many other useful skills, while she was given lessons late or sometimes never at all. This led to her studying on her own. She discovered the hidden secrets of shadowwort with her colleague, Lillian. Vanna improved her skills with lyniettie and shadowwort, then abandoned the royal family's name and took the family name of Novaliel, an ancient name that her bloodline could be traced back to through King William. This shocked the court and created tension between Vanna and Clara. Eventually, Vanna made her intentions clear and declared war on the country of Lorelle. During the ensuing war, Nix, her niece, was born and subsequently sent to the surface world for safety. In the battle between Lorelle and Vanna's rebellion, Clara's husband was killed, but Vanna was also captured. She was imprisoned in the dungeons of the castle, but not executed, for she was of royal blood - no matter how tainted.


Though much of her education was spent trailing behind her sisters, Vanna did eventually study lyniettie and other plants of Lorelle. Some believed she would become a leading botanist, but her interests strayed darker and she turned to using shadowwort.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Discovered the dark uses of shadowwort
  • Waged war against Lorelle
  • Studied alongside Lillian
  • Discovered characteristics of various lyniettie flowers


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Princess of Lorelle
  • Royal Traitor
Current Residence
Castle Dungeons
Matted, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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