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The Amazigh are the descendants of the civilization that worshiped Inty as a god and were under his reign until the events of the Human, when the legendary Supay killed their god as punishment for having reduced the city of champions, the capital of the Intian Empire, Iyed, to ashes. They are a nomadic people living primarily in the Desert of Sekyurac, though they have hidden settlements along all its borders. They are best known for crafting Magic Gems, as well as the Elemental Weapons they forge from them, famously used by the Dancers.

Since the Amazij did not keep their histories in writing until relatively recently, little is known about Iyed. In fact, it is theorized that its real name is probably different, as Hiyed means "ash" in Tamazigh. It would be too ironic if that were its real name. The truth is, it is not certain if the city was actually reduced to ashes, as the Elves never approached the domains of Inty while he lived, nor could they access it later due to the Giant Crimson Tornado.

The Loss of Home

No one knows what really happened in the Battle of the Champions of Iyed and Inty, as it is assumed that based on the stories told later, no one survived. The few conclusions that can be drawn come from the legends told by the Amazij and what the Elves say they heard from Inty himself while he was dying, apparently through a link the empress had with the Dragon as a sign of her vassalage.

One of their champions became an abomination, driven by the power that the sovereign himself had bestowed upon them. Inty called him Supay, who mortally wounded the dragon. He knew that if he did not die from the wounds inflicted by that being, he would die at the hands of his companions or the Elves themselves, who always wanted to get rid of him, which was not true since it suited them to keep the humans in check.

In a desperate attempt to take revenge on everyone, he destroyed his own body with the sands of the desert, loaded with elemental magic of plasm to surround his Great Oasis with a giant crimson tornado that still covers the region to this day.

Since then, the Amazigh have been waiting for the day to return to their true home, waiting at the desert’s edge, making a living as transporters in the Desert of Sekyurac of Sekyurac and artisans of Magic Gems.


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