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The Avaranna Trees are an artificial species created to emit a high frequency of Ether between them and structures built with their roots, such as the Spire. This generates a shield-like barrier made of Éter that constantly regenerates as long as the trees are alive and have a source of Mana. These trees are the primary defensive technology used by the Elves to protect their settlements.

The Avaranna trees are completely white and lack leaves. Interestingly, the shields they project resemble tree leaves, with patterns that vary depending on their alternator. The elves nourish these trees using large crystal vials with high ethereal conductivity. These vials are filled with a special oil capable of storing the mana provided by a Fighter. The vials are then placed in the roots of the trees through underground maintenance tunnels.

Forced Symbiosis

These special trees are created from Elves with certain unique traits. Through Alchemy, material extracted from the brain of such an elf is fused with the seeds of the Avaranna trees before they are cultivated. As the elves, who voluntarily offer themselves, are typically infants, they grow alongside the trees, fostering a much greater symbiosis than any other method. The elf is known as an alternator, and the Avaranna trees connected to them inherit their symbiont's name with a "-ranna" suffix. For instance, if the alternator is named Asav, their Avarannas trees are called Asavranna.


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