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The Spire is the tallest building ever constructed by the humans, primarily because it is mostly elven. During the creation of the Pact of the Sentients, both species agreed that building a city together would help strengthen their bonds. Even if they couldn't stand each other, the cost of the project would prevent either from abandoning it. Based on their sacred buildings, the Elves proposed the Spire as the central hub of the entire city: it would be the place for official and unofficial meetings, where shelters would be constructed, where no crime could be committed (literally), and the most defensible location in the city.

Currently, the Spire stands at about 50 meters, but the elves intend to reach 500 meters. Additionally, it will extend underground for half its height. Yes, there are currently around twenty-five meters of the Spire below ground. To navigate such a building, it features what the locals humorously call "branch-ladders," but in reality, it is an alchemically created tree that constantly rotates on itself, with several thick branches on which one can stand. It eventually disintegrates at the top and is reborn at the base of the trunk. There are twelve of these trees inside, six going up and six going down. After a few accidents, enchantments have been placed on the floors to stop the fall of any resident or guest who falls asleep on the "branch-ladders" or lacks good balance. If you're not invited, the fall can be lethal—another way to motivate citizens to follow the rules of coexistence.

Furthermore, the Spire itself has been constructed with parts of a special variant of Avaranna, capable of creating a magical barrier on the exterior and interior of the building. It is linked to a different alternator for security reasons than the rest of Argentia.


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