Death of Ether

The Death of the Ether is a theory, or rather a set of theories, that explains how the element of entropy will eventually consume all the Ether on the planet, leaving nothing but a frozen tundra. The theory emerged when the Sovereign Dragons, Lisandra, died. Her body continued to consume Etherios to the point that she had to be sealed within an elf who had been prepared to be an Alternator due to her ability to harmonize with the surrounding Ether.

Even after being sealed, the elemental entropic power continued to try to consume everything, to the point where the poor creature containing the sovereign's power ended up freezing her entire village to death, including her parents and friends. Her sister Dara Irime, who was researching in another city, was the only survivor. But what seemed like good news never materialized, as the young girl had to be sealed by constructing a mountain with Arcane Magic to prevent the power from continuing to expand.

Today, that mountain is known as Snowy Peak, as it is always covered in snow and ice, regardless of the time of year. According to the latest surveys, the snow line is dropping lower and lower. It is theorized that if this rate continues, in about 100 years, half of Etherios will be covered in ice and snow.


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