Mages' Battle

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The Mages' Battle was a bloody conflict that took place on the Ancient Plateau, whose original name seemed to be lost along with Merlin Etherium in the great Ether Burst that he caused in a desperate attempt to defeat the Elves.

It was the first time the Humans used the spell Stellar Pathfinder to surprise the enemy. The idea was to lure the Archmages of the Elven Empire by using a supposedly unprepared Merlin Etherium as a bait. The reason for using that plateau was due to the vast plain and sparse vegetation, making the Elves believe that the humans had no nearby reinforcements and also facilitating the use of the spell.

When the reinforcements literally fell from the night sky, the humans outnumbered the elves ten to one. But the humans' confidence quickly vanished within the first hour of combat. The Agranika, an elven military unit capable of using Mana and Ether with mastery, was resisting the assaults of the human warriors and mages with relative ease, giving the Archimagos of the empire the freedom to wreak havoc. Few human mages were a match for those monstrosities, and it soon became clear that they could not hold out.

After the reinforcements arrived, the humans summoned an artificial divine sun to block the arrival of elven reinforcements in the same manner, but this prevented their own retreat. Now that the army was suffering, retreat seemed the only option, but if the false sun went out, the empire’s reinforcements would arrive soon. Earthquakes, volcanoes, meteors, and even archers conjured with the power of the stars shooting celestial bodies as projectiles... the battlefield described seems more surreal than one could imagine.

The Ether Blast

Shimon Etherium ordered the retreat and claimed he would try to take down the Astral Domes descending from the sky, while the others attempted to aid in the retreat of an army that had been reduced to less than half in less than an hour. With no other choice, the retreat was ordered, expecting the worst. But no reinforcements from the Elven Empire arrived. According to chronicles recovered by Minnerva Russ, Merlin Etherium was enraged: "Those bastards think they are too superior to us to need reinforcements," she recalls, detailing his reddening face as he spoke.

Much was lost in this battle. Elizabeth Merlin, the younger sister of Merlin Etherium had died during the trials of the spell Stellar Pathfinder. It seems that those who do not possess the "gift of magic" are torn apart by the energy of the Astral Domes, something the Elves never considered, believing themselves superior.

All recovered testimonies describe the scene almost identically. Merlin Etherium took to the air, reaching the vanguard of his army and illuminating the entire sky with the green light produced by Ether whenever he cast a spell. Next came a scream, seemingly from the sky itself, the earth, and, according to the Mages, from Ether itself. Then the same green light shattered into a thousand colors, each crack turning into a lightning bolt that lit up the sky, temporarily blinding anyone who saw it. The sound stunned everyone.

When they regained consciousness, they all found themselves on a hill they knew well, as they had all passed by it to study the Ancient Plateau, which, along with their memories, was now gone. In its place, a polychromatic light shone in the center of what had been the battlefield, surrounded by an unnatural plain where once there had been rugged terrain. The plateau had vanished along with Merlin Etherium and the entire army of the Elven Empire.

Cover image: by Kamisaka Sekka


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