Astral Domes

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The Astral Domes are spheres of white light created from the advanced spell Stellar Pathfinder. The name comes from their shape, as despite appearing as luminous spheres from the outside, from within they look like a dome of white light, the intensity of which varies according to the skill of the Conjurer, being dimmer for those with better control over the spell.

Nothing can enter or leave the domes while they move along the stellar paths created by following the constellation of the spell. The distance a dome can travel depends on the number of connections between stars, and to replicate a path, one must replicate the constellation. Thus, complex constellations, although requiring more time, are safer for those not wishing to be followed.

A Distant Hope

When the humans discovered this magic, the Elves lost much of the advantage they had in the war against the Dragons. A transportation system that could take you across Etherios from one end to the other in minutes revolutionized the humans' ability to organize and oppose their elven masters.

However, not all news was good. The spell had very difficult rules to follow. The first was that there had to be stars in the sky to trace a constellation, which was solvable thanks to the new Arcane Magic. The second required a flat enough surface, with a maximum altitude difference of 10 centimeters between all passengers. The third, more complicated, was that the Conjurer had to know the destination.

To make matters worse, the next three conditions were the most challenging. If the altitude difference wasn't maintained at the landing site, the dome would explode. It wasn't lethal but could cause first-degree burns, loss of vision, and even limb loss. The next condition was lethal: to remain within the dome, a magical balance had to be maintained using either Mana or manipulating the Ether around a person. This meant that someone unable to use magic would lose the ability to move with the dome and be disintegrated by the Ether protecting it. This was discovered when Elizabeth Merlin, the sister of Merlin Etherium, volunteered as a test subject for non-mage transport. Merlin Etherium made the journey and arrived at his destination without his sister.

Lastly, objects without high Ethereal Conductivity must be wrapped in a material that does and be controlled by a Mage, limiting the transport capacity of each dome. Additionally, the physical toll on a Mage is considerable; someone of Merlin Etherium's level of control could use the spell twice a day, every three days.


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