Pact of the Sentients

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The Pact of the Sentients is a treaty outlining how relations between Elves and Humans are to be conducted henceforth, bringing an end to the dreadful War of a Thousand Years. In the pact, both races commit to not starting any large-scale wars against each other, disengaging from wars and conflicts involving minor factions, but promising to assist in finding peaceful solutions or providing intelligence that may help the other race overcome such conflicts—without ever demanding that they take up arms against their own kind.

The most significant point for Humans was the Elves' acceptance to "Recognize humanity as a sister species, considering it a Platonic equal," thus eliminating the prejudice Elves had always held about Humans being an inferior race. Such notions will now be relegated to private discussions rather than being a foundational element of their society.

The second major point was the recognition of a territorial right for Humans, who were greatly surprised to see that the Elves were willing to cede almost 80% of their original domain, requiring that the agreed-upon borders between the two races be unchangeable. Despite being a clearly positive proposal for Humanity, the excessive consideration from a proud race like the Elves raised several suspicions. Nevertheless, the eternals argued that a ephemeral race like Humans tends to reproduce more rapidly, making any other border proposal insufficient in the long term. This proposal ensured that, at least, those borders would remain fixed regardless of Human population growth.

In exchange for the territory, Humans offered the Elves refuge in key locations within Human territory, aimed at facilitating resource extraction and trade between the races. These were named Principalities and are recognized as part of the Elven Empire.

One of the final points to highlight is the formation of the Silver Guard, a military force composed of Humans and Elves who believe in the coexistence of both species and are responsible for monitoring, capturing, and eliminating any threats to this harmony. Their main headquarters is located in Argentia, the first city built by both races, now known as the City of Adventurers, which was established following the signing of the treaty.

Cover image: by Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin


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Aug 11, 2024 23:52

Interesting read! I liked the Elves' acceptance to recognize humanity as a sister species part and how you tied this into a few of the other prompts as well. I'd love to read the actual contents of the pact if you ever think about writing it.

Aug 25, 2024 20:05 by Sylver Shine

Thanks for the feedback!   I have plans to write the contents of the pact once I have finished the detailed timeline of the world. I started this world weeks before Summer Camp and didn't have time to decide on the specifics of it.   Thank you for the comment!