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Argéntia is known as the capital of peace and is the only city built by both Humans and Elves. In the Pact of the Sentients, they proposed a new city to serve as the headquarters for all negotiations between different species, as a metaphor for the new relationship between these former enemies.

The city was designed from the beginning with the goal of rapid expansion and to serve as a refuge for any species from any persecution. The Spire, a massive tower located in the center of the city, was built by the elves with the help of humans. It is a recreation of a sacred monument for the eternals. Currently, it extends fifty meters above the ground, and it is intended to reach ten times that height. Additionally, it descends about twenty-five meters underground. The underground part is designed as a shelter in case of emergency, while the elevated part is reserved for the meditation rituals of the Elves.

Four roads radiate from the circular path that surrounds the Spire. Every 500 meters along each road, there is an Avaranna tree placed in the center. Additionally, at the same distance, another circular path is created connecting the four roads, forming a ring around the Spire. In these rings, more Avarannas trees are distributed equidistantly. Each of them is connected by roots to the tower, with the aim of creating multiple shields to protect the city and prevent the entry of any invading force.


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